For a long time, more precisely the entire Soviet period of the history of our country, before the parents there was no choice how to organize the life of a child after 2 years. The kid went to kindergarten, and his mother went to work. Much has changed now. Some mothers prefer not to give their beloved child to someone else's, albeit professional hands, but to educate on their own.

As with any business, home education has its own characteristics. What to consider, what to expect from the child and how to organize the time? Many questions arise before those who make this choice.
They say that children attending kindergarten get socialized earlier. If we consider socialization to be accustoming to the regime and collective discipline, then this is really so. But nothing will ever replace a beloved mother for a child. As well as the ability to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, the selection of the schedule of classes and walks, sleep time.
Organization of training and education
Remember discipline! Finding a home does not mean permissiveness. The regime, of course, should be, but let it be built on the internal rhythms of your child. Breakfast - lunch - afternoon tea - dinner at the same time, convenient for the child. So is the dream. Naturally, the rituals of going to bed, evening reading, morning classes should be repeated from day to day. You should have clear, even hard-line rules that are not negotiable. Wash my hands before eating. In the summer after walking my legs. While undressing we put things in the closet. Finished drawing - fold your pencils.
Communication with peers is an indispensable stage in the formation of a child's personality. Walk with children on the playground, in the sandbox, go to visit. It is even desirable (which is not available in kindergartens) that the children's team should be of different ages. This is very useful for both those who are older and those who are younger. But remember not to force communication with other children. Doesn't want to play with any particular child - you don't like all people either. Today he wants to be alone, look at bugs, make a snowman - let him, that means today such a mood. Goes to the sandbox with pleasure and shows new toys - great! All children, as, in fact, all people are different! Growing up at home, the child has more opportunities to maintain his individuality, let him do it.
Be sure to conduct daily classes on various topics with your child. Drawing, listening to music, reading, the basics of mathematics, construction, application - these are just a few of the activities necessary for the full development of your baby. Now there is more than enough information to independently conduct any of these classes. But in the "world around" you have much more opportunities than a teacher. And your child has more advantages than the one who goes to kindergarten. Take him to the post office, to the store, to the gas station, to the hairdresser. "Sadovsiy" child sees it only in pictures. Your kid will see how to behave when selling a car, and how a gardener works, where trams live and how an excavator works. Give him this happiness of knowing the world from the hands of a mother.
Home education does not exclude, but even welcomes the child's visit to various circles and sections. This develops horizons, helps in preparing for school, stimulates cognitive activity, and the element of competition helps to strive for better results. If you do not have the opportunity to organize this on your own, then it is advisable to send your child to a kindergarten in front of school for a year in a preparatory group. The fact is that for school, in addition to the necessary stock of knowledge, the child must have formed communication skills in a team. The best time for this is from 5 to 7 years old.
And most importantly, being at home, the child learns to live in a family. He sees quarrels and reconciliations, joint evenings and working days. He sees not only tired parents who have nothing to say either to him or to each other. The child learns love and understanding, patience and respect. The child knows what "family" is. He knows that it can be good at home, and for this it is not necessary to go to friends first to kindergarten, and then to a bar. He will create his strong family.