Are there any happy parents in the world whose child would never be capricious? Probably, not. The very peak of children's whims falls at the age of 3 - 5 years, just at the time when the child for the first time realizes himself as a person, for the first time uses the pronoun "I" in relation to himself.

Whims affect the fragile child's psyche in the most negative way. Child psychologists even believe that the more often a child is naughty, the slower his development is. Therefore, the capricious should be called to order as soon as possible. Here's just how to do it? Everything will depend on the cause of the whims, and it is very important to correctly identify this reason.
Perhaps the child is in pain, but since he is still very small, he cannot understand what is bothering him, he just feels uncomfortable. The onset of the disease is usually indicated by a sharp change in behavior, excessive activity, or, conversely, passivity. Talk to your child, ask if he has a stomach or throat pain. Of course, any whims in this case are unconditionally forgiven.
The child can use whims and as a way to attract attention to himself. This happens when he ceases to feel your love, when parents, busy with important and urgent matters, do not even have time to talk to the baby.
Think about your behavior: maybe screaming and crying is the only way for a child to make sure that mom and dad finally notice him.
Do not forget that sometimes children throw a tantrum in order to force their parents to fulfill any of their wishes. If this method has already worked once, the child will definitely use it again, gradually turning into a little despot. In this case, you should immediately stop any attempts to dictate: do not pay attention to the baby, go about your business, without even looking in his direction. When the child feels that whims are not bringing the desired result, he will calm down. Wait for the capricious to completely calm down, and calmly explain that such behavior will not achieve anything.
But there are times when whims are a way of protesting over-guardianship. Most often, this method of proving their right to their own opinion is resorted to by children whose parents adhere to too strict principles of upbringing, demanding unconditional obedience from the child. Think about whether you are abusing your power, whether you are trying to turn your child into a weak-willed creature that can only follow orders. And if so - urgently change your behavior, while everything can still be fixed.