Mother's milk is the most ideal food for a baby. Thanks to him, the growing body is saturated with all the necessary nutrients and trace elements. But after 6 months from birth, the baby will need additional products, the choice of which is a very responsible matter.

Vegetable purees
If your baby is already six months old, it's time to introduce complementary foods. The child's body begins to feel the need for solid food, since there are many additional nutrients in it.
You should start complementary foods with vegetable purees. They can be made with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes, etc. It is best if all of these foods are plucked from your own garden. Then there will be no reason to doubt their usefulness.
Potatoes contain a large amount of starch, therefore, before making mashed potatoes from them for babies, peel them in a thick layer and soak them in water for a day. This will help you get rid of excess starch.
Even if the time to introduce complementary foods has already come, the baby will need breast milk or formula for at least 1 year.
From about 10-12 months, fish is introduced into the children's diet - a product that contains a lot of nutrients. Fish contains phosphorus, iodine and calcium. It is rich in vitamins A, B, E and D, but you should be extremely careful when giving it to your baby.
For young children, it is better to choose low-fat varieties of fish, such as hake, cod, pollock, flounder, navaga, herring, perch.
You should not buy too bony fish for your baby. Even after thoroughly grinding the carcass into minced meat, the small bones will remain long enough. There will be a chance that they will get stuck in the child's throat.
The most beneficial are oily sea or ocean fish - salmon, tuna, salmon and Norwegian herring. However, such varieties can be given to a child only after 3 years, because they are too heavy for the stomach.
From the age of seven months, the baby is ready to try meat products. It can be beef or veal. Better to buy parts of the back leg. This meat will make a very juicy and soft stew or boiled meat. From the same part, you can cook a rich soup. Choose only young meat as it has fewer coarse fibers. Young meat puree is much easier to digest in the child's body.
When buying meat from the market, ask the seller to chop off the desired weight from the carcass or part of it. If this happens in your presence, then most likely you will receive quality meat. You can also give your child and poultry meat, but it has been proven that iron is absorbed much better from red meat.
Dairy products strengthen the immune system, prevent constipation and dysbiosis. They contain a lot of calcium, but not all fermented milk products are safe for a growing body. To ensure the safety of the product, carefully study its composition. It should be free of preservatives, flavorings and flavor enhancers. The shelf life of organic products should not exceed 2 weeks. The correct storage temperature for dairy products is 1-6 ° C.