Having learned about her interesting situation, a woman, as a rule, seeks to find out what is the gender of the long-awaited baby. Of course, ultrasound remains one of the most reliable methods. But it happens that the child hides his gender, unsuccessfully turning to the monitor. In such cases, you can try other methods.

Determination of gender by heartbeat
First of all, it should be noted that there are several options for counting, as well as the interpretation of this method. As a rule, this method is not described in books on medicine and, of course, is not recognized as official. However, despite this, many obstetricians use such an unusual technique.
Method one: counting the number of beats per minute. Again, according to unconfirmed sources, it is believed that boys' hearts beat faster. Accordingly, more than 150 beats per minute - you are waiting for an heir, less - for an heiress.
It is best to count at 20 weeks of gestation.
Method two: listen to the rhythm of the heartbeat. In boys, it is clearer, in girls, it is more chaotic. In addition, the rhythm of the heartbeat in boys quite often coincides with that of the mother.
Method three: observing the position of the baby in the womb. It is believed that children of different sexes occupy different positions. If the baby's heart is bugged on the right, then you are carrying a girl under your heart, if on the left - a boy.
Of course, the methodology for such calculations is only half reliable. You should not blindly follow the result and run to make purchases of a certain color.
Is the technique true?
From the point of view of medicine, neither tests, nor folk methods, nor even an ultrasound scan give one hundred percent guarantee. Moreover, doctors are skeptical about counting heartbeats. The fact is that the rhythm and frequency of a baby's heartbeat depend on many factors: whether the baby is asleep or awake, what is the gestational age, what is the state of the mother's body and the fetus as a whole, how well the baby's heart develops.
According to statistics, invasive diagnostics is recognized as the method that always gives the correct result, the essence of which is the study of the amniotic fluid or placenta.
All other techniques are nothing more than a way to try to open the door to the unknown. For modern women, gender determination with the help of traditional medicine has also become a way to have fun or test their intuition. In any case, whoever you carry is your baby, your blood and flesh, your continuation. Do your best for his happiness and well-being.