Women who are preparing to become mothers often think with fear about the upcoming birth, not knowing that with the right behavior during this process, it can be significantly facilitated - both for themselves and for obstetricians. Learning to behave in childbirth is quite simple - the main thing is to be able to breathe correctly and push correctly.

Period of contractions
The first stage of labor is characterized by contractions, each of which impairs the blood supply to the fetus, while the woman needs a deep breath. At the same time, it is imperative to control your breathing, breathing deeply, evenly and calmly during the contraction - this helps the child cope with hypoxia and slightly reduces pain. With each inhalation, air should flow freely into the lungs, filling the apex of the chest, and easily leave as you exhale. It is categorically impossible to make convulsive tense breaths with jerky exhalations.
If the diaphragm is high due to pregnancy, the woman will not be able to breathe deeply - in this case, the doctor will show you other ways to relax.
During the period of labor, the woman in labor can be in different positions - some prefer to walk, others to stand (if there are no medical contraindications). The ideal solution is to lie on your side with slightly bent knees and gently stroke your lower abdomen as you inhale and exhale. Acupressure massage will also help with contractions - for this you need to press with the tips of your thumbs on the points located along the thighs, producing a slight vibration with your fingers. If vomiting occurs, which often occurs in women in the first stage of labor, do not panic - just take a few sips of water and calm down.
Birth period
In the second stage of labor, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room, where she can independently control the attempts, and the obstetricians will only control their effectiveness. Almost all women at this stage feel a strong distension in the vaginal area. The painfulness of the attempts at the same time largely depends on the correctness of the posture and the attempts themselves. To minimize pain, you need to lie on the delivery table, raise your shoulders slightly, rest your feet on the surface of the table and grab its handrails with your hands.
In the process of pushing, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath, close your lips tightly and push, directing pressure exclusively on the pelvic region.
After pushing, you should relax as much as possible and breathe deeply, without holding your breath while inhaling. When the head of the newborn passes through the pelvis, you need to push as hard as possible - after it emerges from the vagina, the midwife will perform all the manipulations necessary to protect the muscles of the perineum from rupture. At the same time, it is necessary to exactly follow all her instructions and restrain the arising pushing reflex, relaxing and breathing through the mouth without delay on inhalation.