Why Girls Aged 18-20 Are So Impatient To Get Married

Why Girls Aged 18-20 Are So Impatient To Get Married
Why Girls Aged 18-20 Are So Impatient To Get Married

Youth is considered the best time in life: a person is healthy, full of energy, his whole life is ahead of him. But young people also have their own worries and problems. In particular, girls aged 18-20 are concerned about how to get married as soon as possible.

Wedding is a girls dream
Wedding is a girls dream

The desire to start a family is natural for a person, but for 18-20-year-old girls, it takes on special significance. This is facilitated by both psychological and social factors.

Social stereotypes

It is difficult to live in a society and be free from its inherent stereotypes. This is one of the most conservative components of public consciousness, and emancipation has not abolished stereotypes regarding women.

One of them is the idea of a woman as a “family first” being. Society easily forgives a woman who has not realized herself in her work, but does not want to forgive the woman who has not become a wife and mother. A woman who has reached heights in professional activity is looked at with half-contemptuous pity: "What else can she do if no one marries."

Another stereotype is expressed by the old formula of matchmaking: "You have a product, we have a merchant." A woman is really looked upon as a “commodity” and a man is viewed as a “customer”. Traditionally, it is believed that a man who does not start a family does so of his own free will, and a woman who remains unmarried is not good enough to interest anyone. This is reflected even in art: in films and novels, as a rule, old bachelors are portrayed as cute merry fellows, and old maids are portrayed as bilious persons, angry with the whole world.

Such stereotypes cannot but influence the girl's self-esteem. Fearing the contemptuous label of "old maid", she seeks to part with girlhood as soon as possible, realizing that the "price of goods" decreases with age, each year she has been reducing the rating on the "bride market".

Striving for freedom

At the age of 18-20, a person finds himself in a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, this is no longer a child or even a teenager, this is an adult who has all civil rights and has fully developed as a person. On the other hand, at this age, people, as a rule, are still just studying, and if they work, then in low-paid positions, therefore, they are financially dependent on their parents and are forced to live with them in the same apartment.

For parents, grown-up children remain children who can be yelled at, ripping off irritation, disregarding their opinion, not recognizing their right to privacy. The situation is especially difficult in families where grown-up children are forced to live not only with their parents, but also with their grandfathers and grandmothers.

In such a position is a young man of any gender, but the girl has hope of getting rid of the parental dictatorship. Traditionally, the wife goes to her husband's house, therefore, the girl can hope to get married and leave the parental home.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law may turn out to be the same domestic despots as the parents, but the girl does not think about this yet. If it is not possible to establish relations with new relatives, she will still have a close person in the person of her husband who will be able to protect her, and she is defenseless in front of her parents.

All these circumstances force girls at the age of 18-20 to get married without hesitation. In some cases, this ends in disappointments, divorces and broken lives.
