Child psychologists advise parents that they should maintain a balance between total control of the child and complete freedom in his actions. In order to control the child in a balanced way, there are several specific rules of behavior for his parents.

Step 1
Don't be overly obsessive about your child's love life. Any person, even a very young person, has the right to their own secrets, private life, which he would not like to share even with his family. In turn, by respecting the child's privacy, you show him an extreme degree of trust in him. The child will appreciate this and inform you on his own about those situations that require your help.
Step 2
Do not read messages on his mobile phone, personal diaries, do not look into his e-mail and social pages on the Internet. But always take an interest in the affairs of the child at school, in the sports section, in the school. Through your frank conversations, you will be aware of what your child is doing. Ask if your support, help is needed if he is clearly worried about a situation in his life.
Step 3
Let your child decide for himself whom to be friends with, communicate with, date, who to write to, and what clothes to wear. If the child wants to be alone with his thoughts, give him the opportunity to do it. Don't rush into his room without knocking.
Step 4
Teach your child to trust you as early as possible, to go out with you to a frank conversation. Then in adolescence it will be much easier for you to communicate with him. Always let your child understand that in any case you will help him and support him morally.
Step 5
Provide your child with a fertile ground for nurturing their talents. But at a certain moment, when he grows up, do not forget to let him go free swimming. Be ready to always come to his aid, but allow yourself to solve your problems, difficult situations, if he does not ask for help.
Step 6
Show parental care, but in moderation. Even when the baby is still very small, he will show you by his actions that he does not like what kind of toy is unpleasant for him. Do not impose your own interest on him even in this case. If a friend comes to pat him by the cheeks, and the baby does not like it, stop the actions of the acquaintance, not your child. Don't crush his personality and feelings for the sake of other people.
Step 7
Remember that you were children too. Think of yourself as your child's age. It is quite possible that you behaved in the same way as your son or daughter is doing now. Only when you take the situation and the character of the child's behavior to yourself will you be able to understand, forgive or help him.