What Children's Books Best Develop Thinking And Speech

What Children's Books Best Develop Thinking And Speech
What Children's Books Best Develop Thinking And Speech

In order for the baby to develop harmoniously and in a timely manner, it is very important to devote a lot of time to classes with him. At the same time, one of the most important points is reading the right useful books.

What children's books best develop thinking and speech
What children's books best develop thinking and speech

general information

Reading is the main tool for the upbringing and development of a child, the influence on him from the parents. Books expand the crumbs' worldview, tell about the world around them, help to believe in a fairy tale and teach the basic rules of behavior. Even a baby who is barely a month old from the moment of birth will listen carefully to the fairy tale read by the mother. The voice, the intonation of a loved one is important for him. But the most important thing is that from birth the child gets used to what is interesting, important and necessary to read.

What books develop thinking and speech

It has long been known that children to whom they read a lot from birth begin to speak earlier. At the same time, the more diverse the literature with which the parents introduce the baby to the baby, the deeper and wider his vocabulary is formed. As a result, the child will not only start talking early, but will speak a lot, own a large number of words, easily select synonyms and describe things whose names are still unfamiliar to him.

After reading any fairy tale or poem, it is important to have a conversation with your child. Ask his opinion about what he read, ask to retell the story, come up with a sequel. All this forms the thinking and develops the memory of the baby. Discuss the illustrations with him, asking questions such as: What is this? Where is? Why is that? It is important that the child is used to thinking and guessing himself and looking for answers to questions. All this is an important stimulus for the development of logic and thinking. Pay attention to the fairy tales of Suteev, the stories of Bianki, the works of Tyutchev and Nekrasov.

Reading stimulates the brain, influencing it from all sides: it makes you think, remember, worry about the characters. The poems are easy to remember, and there is an important memory training. Good poems were written by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder.

The reading of jokes, nursery rhymes, fairy tales in poetic form has a huge impact on the development of crumbs. This helps the baby to feel the rhythm of the native language, its sound, beauty and variety of words. Do not underestimate tongue twisters and riddles, which are also important for the harmonious development of a child.

The main criteria for choosing books for children

It is best if the books that the kid listens to every day (fairy tales, poems, fables) were written by Russian authors. The fact is that they use all the diversity of their native language better and more beautifully than anyone, even a very good translator of foreign literature. Be sure to read Russian folk tales.

Choose famous books written by talented, recognized authors such as: A. S. Pushkin, A. Barto, The Brothers Grimm, G. H. Anderson.

Read books of a wide variety of literary trends to your child: poems, jokes, fairy tales, stories, stories.
