I Want A Brother

I Want A Brother
I Want A Brother

Sooner or later, the only child in the family turns to the parents with a request to "give" him a brother or sister … What should parents do who have firmly decided that their family will have one child. How to explain this to the little man?

I want a brother
I want a brother

First, it is necessary to talk to the child in a language understandable to him, to explain in words that he understands why and for what reasons the second child cannot appear in the family. There is no need to fill the child's head with medical, economic and other terms. The main thing is to convey to the baby that the absence of a brother or sister is not such a serious trouble for him. It is necessary to explain to the child that mom and dad love him very much and will always love him, no matter what.

Secondly, it is necessary to draw the child's attention to what advantages he has now, when he is the only child in the family: the best toys are only for him, the most delicious sweets are only for him, the most beautiful and fashionable clothes are for him again! All the best is for him! But! There is no need to exaggerate, no need to develop this topic constantly, otherwise the child may begin to manipulate it. And indulging in all their little "happiness", parents run the risk of raising a spoiled egoist.

And thirdly, you need to really love the baby, and not only in words, but also to show your love, to demonstrate it. Play with your child more often, be creative, read books, walk where he likes to walk, give the child the opportunity to spend more time with other children. And, perhaps, then your baby will not pester you so often with requests for a brother or sister.
