A similar question today is increasingly being asked seriously by women, who, due to the pace of modern life, are often simply "torn" between family life and building a successful career. Why is such a dilemma facing a woman today, and how to solve it?

Why is the question of choosing between work and family less relevant for men?
In most countries of the planet Earth, over the millennia of civilization development, a traditional division of responsibilities between a woman and a man has developed: he is the breadwinner, she is the keeper of the hearth. And only a few decades ago the foundations of such an established order were trampled underfoot. Today, even in Muslim countries, women often achieve great success in their careers - they are engaged in business, art, become prime ministers and even presidents of countries, and participate in public life on an equal basis with men.
However, men, most of whom by their nature are not adapted for maintaining a household and raising children, are not at all in a hurry to rush to perform such "female duties". As a result, the stronger sex is still engaged in most of the work, career, business - that is, the external life of the family, its material well-being. And the fair sex simply shouldered an additional burden: now, in addition to success in raising children and harmony in family relationships, most women strive to achieve success in their careers.
How do you decide which is more important?
You don't need to go to a psychologist or read hundreds of smart books to admit a simple and obvious fact: even the most successful single woman in her career, business, art or any other external activity feels inferior and unprotected. The very nature of a woman, aimed at caring for others, close people, remains in this case not realized. In addition, the female psyche has an unstable nature - hence the frequent mood swings that the stronger sex is subject to all over the world. In a successful marriage, a woman acquires mental support in the person of her husband, who, with his calmness and stable mental nature, balances the state of his wife. No wonder a married woman is considered more protected, respectable and "grown-up"!
However, dedicating one's entire life solely to serving family members is also a last resort. A woman without a job she loves or at least a hobby will have nowhere to take inspiration, she will quickly get tired of the household routine and - again - will not be able to fulfill her responsibilities within the family. It turns out a kind of vicious circle: if there is no family, there is no real female happiness. If there is a family, but there is no job or a favorite thing, there is no strength to support family happiness.
When choosing between family and work, it is worthwhile to prioritize correctly, but these aspects of life should not be mutually exclusive. However, today many psychologists remind: you can always change a job without much damage, and “changing a family” is a concept, fortunately, not yet related to the norms of behavior even in a modern society of free morals.