How To Deal With Aggression In A 2-year-old

How To Deal With Aggression In A 2-year-old
How To Deal With Aggression In A 2-year-old

Often, outbursts of aggression can be observed in babies of two years of age. It can be directed at both strangers and loved ones. The task of the parents is to teach the child to express his anger and negative emotions in other, less aggressive ways.

How to deal with aggression in a 2-year-old
How to deal with aggression in a 2-year-old

Causes of Childhood Aggression

There are many reasons that provoke aggressive behavior in a child. For example, inattention of parents, ignorance of elementary requests and needs of the baby. Upbringing methods play an important role. If screaming, swearing and physical violence are permissible in the family, then the child will copy this behavior of adults.

Do not forget that in children, character begins to actively form at the age of 2-3 years. The little man begins to strive for independence and defend his "I" in various ways, including showing aggression.

Ways to combat aggressive child behavior

Talk to your child, explain that anger is a normal reaction, but aggressive behavior can offend and harm (including physical) people around him. Teach your child to deal with aggression. There are different ways: to breathe deeply, to beat the pillow, or to shout loudly, releasing the rage outside.

Spend more time with your child; perhaps, with his aggressive behavior, the baby just wants to attract the attention of the parents. Teach your child to tell you everything, not to keep anger and resentment in himself, but to immediately talk about what caused them. Thus, having talked and resolved the situation, you will extinguish the conflict at the very beginning and prevent it from erupting into rage and a fight.

The practice of “hitting back” on a child is not constructive. As a result, he will think that using physical force is the right answer to someone who upsets or angers him.

In response to the child's aggression, do not get annoyed, but show that you are upset and offended. Let the child get off his hands, step back a little, tell him that you cannot behave this way. You can leave the room for a while. Just do not make grimaces and feign crying - children feel fake.

Listen to the child's wishes and requirements. It is possible that some of them are quite logical and reasonable, and their implementation will not be difficult. Frequent ignoring of the baby's desires forces the child to defend his position and place in the family, including by rather aggressive methods (fights, hysteria). The child must understand that although the elders and the main in the family, he is also important and loved.

Limit TV viewing and clearly regulate the time spent playing computer games. Observe the daily routine, it disciplines and creates a sense of stability and security in the child.

Active sports, especially martial arts (karate, sambo) will help reduce aggression. Dancing, cycling, active outdoor games will help relieve emotional stress and improve your baby's health.
