The correct choice and purchase of rubber products # 2 is only half the battle. The main thing here is to be able to use them correctly. Otherwise, there is a risk of unwanted pregnancy in a sexual partner or contracting an infectious disease. And this is already a whole problem.

Safe sex is the foundation
Currently, condoms (Context, Durex, etc.) are the safest and most proven method of male contraception. Of course, many men still prefer to do without the help of this notorious "rubber band", but personal safety, as they say, is above all.
How to choose a condom?
- You should not purchase these rubber products from kiosks and stalls. The fact is that direct sunlight acting on a condom destroys the protective properties of latex - the main material from which 99% of all "rubber bands" are currently made. In a pharmacy, the temperature regime for their storage is the most gentle.
- Attention should also be paid to the expiration date of rubber product No. 2. An expired condom can fail at the most inopportune moment.
- It is recommended to give preference only to products in square packs, since it is these packs that allow condoms to be in their natural ring-shaped form, which has a beneficial effect on their physical properties. Oval packaging, on the other hand, deforms the product.
- It should be noted that the best condoms, according to various surveys of specialists and consumers, are the products of such foreign companies as Contex, Durex, Innotex, Life Styles, Siko and Visit.
How to put on a condom?
- Before using rubber product No. 2, you should pay attention to its expiration date, as well as to the uniform integrity of the package.
- It is necessary to open the package very carefully. It is not recommended to use knives and scissors for this. There is no need to try to tear the packaging with your teeth, as you can ruin not only the packaging, but also the condom itself.
- Before putting on a condom, you need to understand in which direction it actually unfolds. To do this, you should begin to unfold it in any direction. If all else fails, the product should be turned in the opposite direction.
- Then you should gently squeeze the sperm reservoir located at the end of the "elastic band" with two fingers. This must be done in order to expel air from there. If air does remain in the sperm container, the condom is more likely to break during sex.
- Attention! A condom should only be worn on a fully strengthened erect penis. To do this, it is necessary to bare the head of the penis, and then roll out the "elastic band" over the entire length of the penis with smooth movements. You need to try to roll the condom all the way to the pubis. This is necessary for additional safety against possible infection with one or another sexually transmitted disease.
- If sex is "dry" and there is a desire to use additional lubrication, then you should never use lubricants based on fat, oil and petroleum. They easily destroy latex, which in turn leads to rupture of the product. For lovers of "slippery" sex, there are special lubricants made on a water basis.
- After ejaculation, the penis should be gently pulled out of the vagina, holding the condom at its base.
- After the end of intercourse, rubber product # 2 is thrown into the trash can, not out the window!
- Important! You should never use the same condom two or more times.