When A Man Is Noticeably Older

When A Man Is Noticeably Older
When A Man Is Noticeably Older

The term “unequal marriage” is increasingly being used. What is considered a "deviation from the norm"? And is it even possible to talk about the existence of an ideal ratio of the age of partners? In this article I would like to try to deal with the issue of a large age difference.

unequal marriage
unequal marriage

In recent years, society has finally begun to be more loyal to marriage of different ages and has stopped hanging labels. The conscious choice of a more mature person as a partner is not always a decision to live on everything ready. And vice versa - not the desire to keep the flowing youth and assert itself. Everything can be explained from a psychological point of view.

Growing up and development for each person is purely individual, different interests, goals, ideas about life are formed. And very often it comes to the fact that it is simply not interesting with peers. Therefore, a long-lasting and happy marriage is not based on the same generation. It is much more important to be able to speak the same language and look in the same direction.

Remained in the past are situations when young girls married adult men only in order to solve their material problems. And adult men choose young companions as their spouses, too, far from just a desire to have a young body. People are really interested and comfortable with each other. If a girl prefers watching a good movie to a party in a nightclub, if reading a book is more valuable pastime for her than daily shopping, if she likes to listen to smart men, then it is quite logical that she will be attracted to a professor from the institute, and not to a peer DJ … A man in this relationship will feel like Pygmalion, he will raise himself an ideal wife.

External pull will not be the last place in such relations. For girls, the image of an ideal man is always formed in childhood, so if then she dreamed of an adult, big, strong and smart, then everyone else simply will not fall into her field of vision. "Yeah, Vovka is a good guy, but he is too young." And girls grow up earlier than boys. He will always see her forever young, the embodiment of a dream girl, young and beautiful.

In everyday life, these relationships will also be more tenacious than a marriage created by partners of the same age. An adult man has enough wisdom and tact to point out mistakes and shortcomings in such a way as to cause a desire to become better for his sake, and not argue and prove his innocence.

Each story is unique. The desire to fit everyone into one size fits all is fundamentally wrong. Marriages of different ages based on sincere and constructive love do exist, and moreover, they are in the majority now.
