Sometimes you want beautiful words about love - someone is in love himself and is looking for a verbal expression of his feelings, someone is trying to write a gentle message. Many are interested in a similar topic, and on the Internet you can find a lot of curious sources where beautiful quotes about love are published.

Nobody can say about love better than the world art classics - writers and poets, because they not only sincerely expressed their feelings, but also masterfully mastered the word.
If you are philosophical and do not rush things, you can re-read your favorite books and look for quotes on your own. In this case, you will not only get the desired phrase (or phrases) as a result, but also immerse yourself in the atmosphere corresponding to it, expanding the palette of your sensations.
If you need different quotes from different authors, it is better to use special services. For example, on the site in the section "Life is love" you can not only find quotes from famous people, but also listen to how the confession sounds in different languages, watch touching videos on the topic, smile at words of love through the lips of children, etc. …
There are resources in which quotes are posted for their use in the statuses of social networks. On such sites, the authorship of citations is not always indicated. If this suits you, then good collections are located on the sites: - aphorisms about love, statuses, quotes, etc.; - a variety of phrases, expressions about love are also presented here;
Sometimes it is pleasant to pick up a printed book, and not sit at the computer and monotonously click on different links with the mouse. In this case, you can order a book of quotes about love and have a desktop storehouse of wise and beautiful sayings at home. You can order and buy books on sites such as,,, etc.