Before starting to teach a child something, the teacher must find out what his ward can do, how well various mental processes are developed, how quickly or slowly he learns new material. This is what diagnostics is for. Without it, it is very difficult to correctly build the educational process. As a rule, general diagnostics are carried out at the beginning and at the end of the school year. In addition, the educator sometimes needs to determine the extent to which children have developed individual qualities - attention, creative thinking, cultural and hygienic skills, - as well as various types of activity. In this case, diagnostics are carried out before starting work on a particular program.

- Kindergarten parenting program
- Games and toys for performing test tasks
Step 1
Determine what type of diagnostics you need. In any case, you will need test items. You can take them from the set of S. Zabramina. These are nesting dolls, pyramids of 4 rings, Seguin boards, insert boxes, cut pictures. When choosing a test item, consider the age of the children. For example, three-year-old kids can be offered pyramids, older children - the rest of the toys from the set. Children of older preschool age can be offered to group objects according to essential characteristics, find an object that does not fit a group of others, pick up the missing object, and so on.
Step 2
Explain the assignment. As a rule, children with a normal level of mental development have a good understanding of the verbal instruction for the task, corresponding to their age. Three-year-olds already know the more-less relationship and can compare the size of several objects. Children with mental retardation have difficulty memorizing verbal instructions, for them showing is more effective. In the process of completing the assignment, analyze how well the child remembered the instruction and whether he is able to follow it to the end.
Step 3
For a test task, you can use various types of construction. For example, for toddlers it will be a four-piece construction. First, the child is offered a ready-made building. The teacher asks to do the same. Children have to pick up the parts themselves and put them in the right order. If this does not work out, the teacher shows what needs to be put on, then invites the children to complete the construction again. Based on the results of the child's work, you can determine the level of visual analysis, spatial imagination, construction skills.
Step 4
Based on the results of the test task, note how each child reacted to the research itself, how well he understood and remembered the instructions, whether or not he had an interest in the task and how long it lasted. Also note how purposeful the child's actions were, whether he calculated his efforts, whether he knows how to plan in advance for the task or acts empirically, whether he uses outside help and how much. It is also very important whether the child makes volitional efforts in order to correctly complete the tasks.
Step 5
Carry out diagnostics for individual activities. To determine the level of children's play activity, offer the children several play situations. For example, to determine the level of play activity of young preschool children, offer toys that involve cooperative activities. Observe how children are able to distribute roles, whether they can play without conflict. To determine the level of development of visual activity, offer several test tasks - for example, to draw circles or squares, to complement the plot drawing.
Step 6
To diagnose cultural and hygienic skills, just observation is enough. How age-appropriate are the children's skills and abilities? A child in the younger group should be able to eat with a spoon, wipe his mouth with a napkin, wash his hands with soap and a brush, and put on socks and pants correctly. The child of the preparatory group knows how to use a fork and knife, dresses independently, and so on. Diagnostic data show the teacher what skills and abilities the child needs to work on.