The psychological influence of color is present in all areas of our life, whether we like it or not. Love for a certain color can tell about the peculiarities of your character, mood.

One of the branches of psychological science, the psychology of color, studies the relationship between the perception of color and the human psyche. A person who prefers shades of purple in their wardrobe is mesmerizing. When decorating an interior in purple, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that contribute to coziness and comfort.
Interpreting purple
In psychology, purple is associated with hypersensitivity, mood swings, observation, wit, vanity.
Purple combines the calmness of blue with the energy of red. Therefore, the personality of the "purple" people is controversial. Relations with such a person are easy to develop, but it will not be possible to find out his inner world, he is very secretive.
Purple helps sensitive and creative people, as well as people who are under stress and nervous tension. The ancient Aztecs considered purple to be the color of wisdom. The abundance of shades of violet in the aura is interpreted as selflessness, possession of a high spiritual consciousness. In India, purple symbolizes the transmigration of souls. In Western Europe, it is the color of fidelity.
Jesus Christ appears in blue-violet clothes at the crucifixion. Mary Magdalene is also often depicted in blue and purple clothing. Purple, the main color of the front of the altar, symbolizes fasting. Currently, purple is associated with feminists and homosexuals (in France, homosexuals are called "purple").
Many women choose purple in the Luscher test during pregnancy.
There was a time when in America only elderly women, widows, wore purple clothes.
In the course of history, purple has acquired a great variety of interpretations: knowledge, intelligence, sobriety, humility, nostalgia, mourning, passivity, sensuality, tenderness, attentiveness, dissatisfaction, intuition, mysticism, melancholy, etc.
Purple is considered the color of magicians and astrologers. It is rightfully considered the most mysterious and inexplicable, helping in meditation.
Purple negatively affects people who have any kind of addiction.
This color is able to soothe headaches, lower the heart rate, make the brain work actively. Very useful for concussion, multiple sclerosis, neuralgia, epilepsy.
Violet rejuvenates the human body, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs.
Purple color in clothes
If a person's clothes contain violet color or its shades, then this indicates his desire to charm and to be charmed himself.
Girls who choose purple in their clothes are very feminine, romantic, have good taste and intuition. Purple clothes will look more harmonious on brunettes. Do not get carried away with too dark shades of purple. It is better to use lilac shades. It is better to dilute purple in clothes with yellow, orange, gold, green (these can be accessories, jewelry).
Purple color in the interior
It is believed that purple is somewhat heavy for the interior. The dark purple tone in the interior looks rich, magnificent, but gloomy, and the light tone creates a calm atmosphere. Prolonged exposure to the purple room can cause depression.
But if you still like this color, then use it as small accent spots or contour lines (purple "spots" in the form of a clock, a flower pot, a picture, etc. will look great).