A child of preschool age has difficulty operating with abstract concepts due to the peculiarities of thinking, but his thinking is visual and figurative. Time is an abstract concept. It cannot be seen or touched. But even a kid needs to learn to independently plan personal time and navigate in it.

Step 1
Start learning time from the easiest time for a preschooler - with a sequence of events. It is easy to do this in the course of everyday activities and games. The child notices that night falls in the evening, and in the morning we get up and go to kindergarten. The baby begins to form the first idea of time as a sequence of events. Reinforce these ideas, and for this, draw the child's attention to any sequence of events.
Step 2
Further, it is necessary to acquaint with the concepts of "soon", "now", "later", "first", "after that", "before" and other concepts that are associated with the passage of time. While playing and communicating with the child, comment on your actions with the words: "First you need to remove the toys, and then we will sit down to dinner", "First, draw a circle, then a triangle." For the same purpose, use pictures that depict successive phenomena or events: the development and growth of an animal or plant, the sequence of making something (first the foundation, then the floor, then the roof). Tell your child about what is drawn, and then ask him to tell what comes first and what next.
Step 3
Play fairy tales with your child after reading them together. You can use toys when doing this and make sure that he does not confuse the procedure. To play out the plot, you can also buy thin books with fairy tales, cut out illustrations, stick them on cardboard and put them in the desired sequence.
Step 4
Next, develop an understanding of the seasons in your child. It is necessary to clearly explain to him all the changes that occur with nature and weather at every season. To do this, you need to go out into the street, show the baby and observe what happens to the trees, grass, sky, what people are wearing. Take photos of some place on the street at different times of the year, or even every month and compare them with each other.
Step 5
Purchase educational books that will also help your child become more familiar with the seasons. Read the story "Sinichkin Calendar" by V. Bianchi and the tale "Twelve Months".
Step 6
Purchase a calendar for lessons with your baby, the whole year of which is placed on one sheet. So he can clearly see the whole year, months and days. The relationship between different parts of the year is very clearly visible on such a calendar: less than a month or a year, more than a week or a month. Start studying the calendar at any time of the year, but better from the very beginning. When buying it, pay attention to the fact that the inscriptions and numbers are large, located on the surface of the same tone, and not against the background of a picture or photograph, so that they do not distract the baby. It is advisable that the days of the week are written in whole words, and not in abbreviations. Hang the new calendar in the hallway, in the child's room, or in the kitchen. Tell us briefly what it is, and show what other calendars there are. Call each morning what month it is, day of the week, date. You can additionally write all this using a magnetic alphabet on the refrigerator.
Step 7
Then start acquaintance with the watch. To do this, pick up a large toy watch with hands that move easily, as well as large and clear numbers. Tell us about the purpose of the arrows. Remove the minute hand for now, leave the hour hand. Tell that it goes from one number to another in an hour. Show the child at first exactly one hour, then a little less than an hour, an hour and a half, about three. When the kid has mastered the hour hand, begin acquaintance with the minute hand. Do not forget to ask him what time he goes to the garden, what time - to sleep, etc. When the child will easily set and name the “time” on the dial in a simplified form, attach the second minute hand to the dial. Further consolidate the knowledge gained.