How To Talk To A Child

How To Talk To A Child
How To Talk To A Child

Table of contents:


Parents often mistakenly choose the system of communication with their child. There are frequent cases when in the speech of adults addressed to a child, unacceptable words and phrases sound, which subsequently lead to childish distrust, unwillingness to communicate with relatives. How should you talk to a child so that he feels happy and grows up as a cheerful, confident person?

How to talk to a child
How to talk to a child


Step 1

In a moment of anger, irritation, parents often say such words, for which they feel ashamed afterwards, and label their children. Even more often, mothers and fathers do not notice at all what they say to a child in a bad mood. Eliminate phrases such as:

- “all have children, like children, only I don't understand what”;

- "I will see about it again (I will find out), you will get it from me like that";

- “you can’t and can’t do anything”;

- "ugly child (dirty, greedy, mischievous)";

- "you have no brains" and so on.

Step 2

Words with the prefix "not" addressed to the child have no force and the child either does not perceive them, or does it in spite of what has been said. Therefore, instead of “don't jump”, it’s better to say “go, son, calmly next to me”. Instead of “don't be mischievous,” explain what exactly you dislike about his behavior.

Step 3

Eliminate the mentoring, commanding tone from communication with the child. “Calm down quickly,” “get ready immediately,” “shut up,” and so on, would cause negativity in other people, and for some reason, parents allow their child to be treated like that. A sudden emotional outburst of a parent confuses the child, and he sincerely does not understand him. Take other paths to get what you want.

Step 4

You need to talk a lot and often with your child. Do not dismiss his annoying questions about knowing the world, explain in an accessible way, as frankly as possible. Read more to your child and have him read books to you. Visit places that help develop the child's mental and cognitive abilities, such as museums, exhibitions, dioramas, aquariums, zoo, theater. After visiting such a place, talk about it, explain to the child what seemed to him not clear.

Step 5

Remember that physical assault on a child is a primitive means of communicating with him and achieving his goal. Moreover, such methods of education are used by parents who do not know how to explain simple things to a child in words.

Step 6

Do not dismiss the child's problems, his bad mood, saying: "Your problems are nonsense." By demonstrating their unwillingness to understand important things for the child at the moment, parents risk losing his trust in more difficult circumstances in his life.
