To accustom the child to responsibility is one of the most important tasks of parents. Tips on how to teach your teenager to be responsible.

Step 1
Start communicating with your teen as an equal, not like a child. He should feel like an adult, that he is accepted as an adult and his opinion is taken into account. You can no longer demand obedience from the child, order and indicate what to do. Talk about all the questions calmly, if you want to win the child's favor, try to negotiate with him.
Step 2
Expand your teenager's personal space, while adding more serious household chores. Reduce your help to a minimum, stop patronizing the teenager in every possible way. Give him the opportunity to solve his problems himself, be smart, and attract friends to help. If the child does not cope and calls on the parents for help, only in that case, act, but you should not immediately do everything for the child, push him to the right decision.
Step 3
Leave the child the right to make mistakes. Only through trial and error can he gain experience. You can create an environment where mistakes are as safe as possible. Support your child when he faces the first serious difficulties and setbacks. Do not let your child give up, teach that problems and troubles strengthen the spirit.
Step 4
Enjoy victories and successes with your child. Even the smallest accomplishments are commendable.
Step 5
Think of your teen as a responsible person for yourself. Whenever possible, talk about it to others so that the child hears how his parents speak about him. He will try not to let you down, but to do everything to be worthy of this status.
Step 6
Do not hide from the child how much money is needed and how much to spend on expenses for the teenager. He must understand, see and appreciate that parents often limit themselves in order to meet all the needs of their child. When children do not see the real picture, they do not appreciate the efforts that the parent spends and calmly continue to ask, demand to acquire things at their first desire. A child should take a responsible attitude to the work of parents and, in gratitude, try to become better and try never to upset parents over trifles.
Step 7
Agree in advance that you will gradually reduce your teen's financial expenses. For example, by the age of 18, the child himself must earn pocket money.