There are many materials out there to teach the right parenting, but there is no one-size-fits-all formula that fits all children. Be that as it may, parents should always know how to raise a child. Here are 7 tips for raising a responsible child.

Step 1
Love him. Tell your child every day that you love him. It is possible that at first they will not say the same words back to you, but this is temporary. Some time will pass, and the child will remember your words and understand how much you love him. If the child does something wrong, emphasize that you love him anyway. Use these words even when his behavior was not good.
Step 2
Don't be afraid to set limits. Yes, parents should be friends with their children, but always remember that you are, first of all, parents, and you are responsible for your child. Refuse the child if something is not pleasant to you, and take a firm stand.
Step 3
Keep your child busy. Children benefit from being taught in a variety of youth circles, as well as visiting organizations and groups. All these youth organizations will teach the child to think of others as well and show him a wonderful and varied life.
Step 4
Emphasize the importance and importance of the family. The child should feel that he is needed. Tell him that your family is one friendly and strong team. Encourage children to spend time with their families.
Step 5
Get your child to help you. The child must be independent enough for his age, that is, he must be able to, for example, wash dishes, clean the apartment or wash things. Teaching your child to take care of himself and keep the household in check will be of invaluable service to him. Do not back down if the child starts to act up or complain. It will be extremely useful not to restrict the child to the exact tasks that he must perform in any case.
Step 6
Respect the child's choice. Be realistic: your children will never become your copies and ideals that you dream of bringing up. They will not think, speak, and act the same way as you do. This is why you shouldn't criticize their dress, hair, or music preferences. Teenagers, of course, will always be children for you, but they want to be treated like adults. Give them freedom of choice when it comes to a temporary desire. For example, if your child wants to dye their hair blue or red. Remember - hair will grow back anyway.
Step 7
Talk to your child about the possible consequences. Your child needs to realize that you will not be caring for him forever. Try to explain to him the importance of education, after completing which you can get a prestigious job. In other words, prove to the child that all his actions in the present tense, one way or another, will affect the future.