How To Choose A Name For Your Baby

How To Choose A Name For Your Baby
How To Choose A Name For Your Baby

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Many women ask the question of choosing a name for a child, as soon as they find out that a little man will soon be born. It is important to know that the choice of a name must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. And also take into account the fact that the combination of name, patronymic and surname is directly related to the character and fate of a person.

How to choose a name for your baby
How to choose a name for your baby


Step 1

The time of year in which a child is born has a huge impact on his temperament and character. So, for example, children born in winter should be given soft and sonorous names, since they were born in a harsh season, and a soft name will smooth out the severity given by nature. However, in winter, the most talented and motivated children are born, who are used to achieving their goal, and will go all the way to achieve their goal. Children born at this time of year should be given the names of great people and leaders, then they are more likely to achieve a lot in life. These are names such as: Ivan, Roman, Alexander, Peter, Nikolai, Pavel, Fedor, Lev, Cyril, Anna, Elizabeth, Olga, Ekaterina.

Step 2

On the contrary, children born in spring should be given tougher names, since they are very “flexible”, but, despite this, they have “fighting” qualities. The name will strengthen self-confidence and in overcoming life's adversities. For "spring" children the names are suitable: Daniel, Ilya, Pavel, Vasily, Peter, Victor, Marina, Anastasia, Margarita.

Step 3

“Summer Children” are proud and active. Also, they take risks easily and are immensely impressionable and purposeful. Along with this, most people born in the summer have a very gentle character, they are easily offended. The worst thing is that they are easily influenced by others. Children born at this time of the year can be called any name.

Step 4

Children born in the fall are realistic, balanced and frugal. They have a calm nature. It is better to give names to such children down to earth: Andrey, Afanasy, Timofey, Mikhail, Nikita, Natalia, Martha, Vasilisa, Elizaveta.

Step 5

When choosing a first name, see how it will be combined with a patronymic and last name. Think about the future of your child, about how he will be called in adulthood.

Step 6

It is not recommended to name children after deceased relatives, they can inherit their fate and character traits. Also, do not name the baby in honor of your favorite movie hero of the TV show you like.

Step 7

There is no need to give names that are very complex and composed of some phrases. They will not have a very good influence on the fate of the child. The fate of a child can become as difficult as the name.

Step 8

When choosing a name, you can be guided by the church calendar. Our ancestors did the same. Although, in ancient times, the name given by the priest at baptism was kept secret, but in everyday life the child was called the name that his parents gave him.

Step 9

Sometimes it happens that the parents, even during pregnancy, picked up a name for the baby. He was born, Mom looked at him and said that a completely different name suits him, and not the one that they had prepared for him. In these cases, it is said that the name itself found its owner.
