The name is an important element in a person's life. It must be meaningful and original to make the wearer feel special. Therefore, old names that have been forgotten for a long time are relevant now.

Step 1
Vasilisa. This Byzantine name is derived from the word "basileus" and is translated as "royal". The owners of this ancient name have a gentle disposition, but over time they become arrogant. These are real perfectionists who strive to change the world the way they want. Vasilisa can be a good friend and a loving mother. However, her snobbery can ruin the picture. Now this old name is more popular than ever.
Step 2
Makar. This Greek male name translates as "blessed." The bearer of this name has a mysterious and not everyone understandable character. He is very stubborn and self-confident. But his numerous talents are able to open the way for him to a chic future. He quickly grasps any information, if it is interesting to him. Makar grows up to be a reliable person and an exemplary family man. But his secrecy can become a problem for those around him. This ringing old name is now relevant everywhere.
Step 3
Ulyana. This name is of Latin origin. Its direct translation means "belongs to Julius". Ulyana characterizes herself as a creative person. She develops rapidly in any field of activity, but as soon as she finds something of her own, she gives herself completely to it. With diligence, people with that name achieve great success in their careers. More and more often, daughters in Russia are called by this old name.
Step 4
Bogdan. The name that passed to us from the Greek language to the Old Church Slavonic. Its meaning is easy to guess - "given by God." This is what the long-awaited children are called. This name originally expresses love and affection for the child. A person with this name often becomes selfish. He constantly needs the attention of others. But he has such character traits as responsiveness, leadership, kindness. This old name has been at its peak in recent years.
Step 5
Zlata. This ancient Slavic name means "golden". Therefore, girls with this name are often called gold or treasure. The owners of this name are distinguished by a serious approach to everything. From childhood, they prefer intellectual development to games. Therefore, they are distinguished by the desire for solitude. Over the years, Zlata becomes the ideal keeper of the hearth. She cares about her family the most. She is pedantic and smart.
Step 6
Elisha. This name is translated from Hebrew as "salvation". Its owners are distinguished by their sociability and desire for new acquaintances. Elisha quickly wins the sympathy of those around him, he disposes them to communication with his openness. He is a confident and reliable person.