How To Find A Common Language With A Mother-in-law

How To Find A Common Language With A Mother-in-law
How To Find A Common Language With A Mother-in-law

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Two loving and beloved women, two housewives, two mothers - each is right on its part - for some reason share one man. And their roles are different: one is a wife, the other is a mother. The eternal struggle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is as endless as the struggle between fathers and children, and just as it makes no sense. It only destroys families, destroys destinies, leaving people lonely and sick. Can two women find a common language - mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? Yes, sure. You just need to really want this and try to do everything right.

How to find a common language with a mother-in-law
How to find a common language with a mother-in-law


Step 1

Often a girl or woman who gets married is already programmed for the hated mother-in-law due to various circumstances. And for no reason at all, they immediately dislike the husband's mother, not yet knowing her character, intentions, and attitude towards themselves. What for? Try to see a woman, a mother, your reflection in her. Don't throw yourself on her neck with the words: "Mom!". Just know that she loves her son, and that's okay.

Step 2

No need to hide children from her, not letting them go to visit your grandmother, or find a thousand reasons why she cannot come to your house (and all because you are afraid to hear unnecessary comments from her). She has the full legal right to communicate with her grandchildren, and if she wants to help with the housework or suggest something, because she is more experienced, more sophisticated in household matters, there is nothing wrong with that, her intentions are kind-hearted, even if you cannot say this at first look (she's looking at you too). Have a strong opinion (but not stubbornness) about certain things in everyday life.

Step 3

Don't reprimand your husband if he is going to spend the weekend with mom to fix the electrical wiring or dig up a vegetable garden. Ride all together, offer your all possible help. Refuses - sit, communicate: you can not about personal, say "nothing", just complain to her less about your spouse. Deep down, she will find a reason to feel sorry for her son, not you. Sometimes send your husband alone, sometimes close people want to talk without witnesses, and if he considers it necessary to share with you, he will advise, but no - and don’t, do not pry about what they talked about with their mother. And earn respect, and do not burden yourself with an extra burden.
