Women who take a long time to get the smallest service or help from a partner often wonder how to take a man into their own hands. What needs to be done so that the loved one does not shirk from household chores, comes home on time and listens to the opinion of his wife.

Step 1
With the help of scandals and domestic terror, you can only take a weak man into your own hands. A strong partner will not tolerate constant reproaches and total control. You need to negotiate with a worthy man, and also use female cunning.
Step 2
Men fulfill all women's desires in two cases - if they respect their beloved, value her and are afraid of losing, or when they treat a friend like a small child, they like to fulfill her whims. Which role is closer to you - a beloved and respected wife or a capricious, but adored daughter - choose for yourself.
Step 3
If you decide to take the first route, stop treating your husband as property. Understand that he is an adult, an independent person. You shouldn't give him orders like a dog. Build a constructive dialogue. And give him more freedom. When a man feels responsible for his actions, he becomes more collected and attentive. For example, when asking to pick up a child from kindergarten, you do not need to instruct how to get to him, how to get into the group, what to tell the teacher, etc. If a loved one goes all the way by himself, without prompts, he will not only be proud of his own ingenuity, but he will not ask a bunch of questions every time.
Step 4
If you decide to become a capricious daughter for your husband, then be prepared for the fact that he will stop taking you seriously. On the one hand, this is good. You can be offended, pout, demand gifts, ask for pens, on vacation, etc. All your requests will be listened to and, most likely, fulfilled. But at the same time, the beloved man will not ask you for advice on how to act in a particular difficult situation. You may simply not be aware that he is in trouble. However, if you have no desire to control everything around, then the role of a little girl is what is ideal for you.