Unfortunately, people are not immune from betrayal and betrayal in relationships. Therefore, if you have caused such pain to a loved one, you need to gather all your will into a fist and apologize.

Step 1
It is very difficult to apologize for cheating, especially if your significant other does not yet know about this act. Then you have to not only apologize, but also talk about such a sad event. Choose the right time and place for a serious conversation. It is best to give preference to a calm home environment. You should not try to cook a chic dinner in order to somehow make amends for your guilt. Nothing should distract you from the conversation with your beloved person.
Step 2
As soon as you meet, let your significant other know that the conversation ahead of you will be very difficult and unpleasant. Don't dump all the overwhelming information right away. Start a conversation with the fact that you love your loved one very much and in no case want to hurt him, but he must find out the whole truth.
Step 3
Next, you have to find the strength in yourself and tell you that you made a terrible mistake, deciding to enter into a relationship with a completely stranger for you, but you do not want to lose your love, so you are ready to make amends and return your trust as much as you like. Try to restrain your emotions, do not give vent to tears, do not throw tantrums. Now your task is not to make yourself a victim of circumstances, but to beg forgiveness of your soulmate. In addition, there is a possibility that it is you who will have to see tears of pain in the eyes of a loved one.
Step 4
Assure your beloved or beloved that this will never happen again, but immediately inform that you accept any of his decisions, as you yourself realize that you have destroyed your happiness with your own hands. Pressure on pity on your part is not appropriate, just like statements that you will not let go of your love by all means. Answer all questions that are asked of you truthfully and honestly. Most likely, you will need not only a statement of the fact of betrayal, but also the reasons why you decided on this act.
Step 5
Get ready for the fact that your conversation will end with a break, but you should not despair right away. Keep looking for meetings with your loved one and prove your feelings to him, restore trust. Perhaps, over time, the resentment will subside a little, and your sincerity will be able to melt the ice in the heart of your significant other. Love can survive any troubles and grievances, but only if it is really real.