The child gradually learns the world around him. He learns to sit, stand up, walk, and also control his hands: take various objects, button up buttons, lace up shoes, write and draw. These actions are performed due to fine motor skills of the hands, and much depends on the degree of its development.

Fine motor skills are precise and fine movements of the hands and fingers, regulated by the joint action of the nervous, bone and muscular systems of the body. Its development begins from infancy on the basis of general motor skills: grasping movements, shifting objects from one hand to another, etc., this happens naturally, but the process must be facilitated.
Experts have established a close connection between fine motor skills and baby's thinking, imagination, memory, coordination and attention. The human brain centers responsible for the movement of fingers and speech are located very close to each other, therefore, during the formation of fine motor skills, the neighboring parts of the brain responsible for speech and intelligence are activated and both the physical and mental development of the child are stimulated. Parents should be aware of the importance and necessity of fine motor play and devote sufficient time to it.
Exercises for the formation of coordination of movements of the fingers are simple and do not require special expenses. Babies under the age of 1 year need to massage their fingers, play "White-sided Magpie", "Horned Goat" and "Ladushki", they need a variety of educational toys: pyramids, nesting dolls, rings, cubes. Older children can play with constructors from small parts with pleasure and benefit, assemble mosaics and puzzles, draw, do modeling from plasticine, cut out figures from paper and make applications. In addition, fine motor skills help develop everyday skills and abilities: self-lacing shoes, buttoning buttons, tying knots, picking berries, helping parents prepare dumplings and dumplings, and even basic washing hands with soap.
The development of fine motor skills contributes to the formation of visual-motor coordination and perception of the surrounding world, attention, memory. It influences the formation of graphic skills (writing, drawing, drawing), connected and expressive speech, rich vocabulary and intelligence in general. Already by elementary school, the child will be able to learn to read, write, count in the future to improve these skills, and in the future it will be easier for him to be given exact sciences and work that requires special care.