How To Curtail Lunchtime Breastfeeding

How To Curtail Lunchtime Breastfeeding
How To Curtail Lunchtime Breastfeeding

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It is best to phase out lunchtime breastfeeds gradually. This will allow you to wean the baby from daytime attachments as painlessly as possible. At the same time, the child will not feel left out.

How to curtail lunchtime breastfeeding
How to curtail lunchtime breastfeeding


Step 1

If you want to reduce the number of daily breastfeeds, start by minimizing lunchtime feeds. It is they who most often cause women a lot of inconvenience. At this time of day, babies, as a rule, become moody and refuse to sleep without breast.

Step 2

In order to curtail lunch feeds, act as decisively as possible. But this does not mean at all that you need to wean the baby from breastfeeding for sleep as soon as possible. Achieve what you want gradually. Try replacing feeding with a nutritious diet first. Try to feed your baby well before he wants to feed on the breast.

Step 3

Remember that adherence is very important for the child. Try replacing feeding with some fun ritual and repeat the steps you have chosen daily. For example, it can be reading an interesting book, joint viewing of colorful illustrations or a cartoon. At first, the baby will ask for a breast. This shouldn't confuse you. Try to reduce the time your baby lays on the breast every day.

Step 4

If the child starts crying, divert his attention to the book, tell him a story. You can offer your baby juice or slightly warmed milk. Often, the desire to kiss the breast is due, among other things, to thirst.

Step 5

Try to establish tactile contact with the baby during the period of folding lunch feeds. Hug him often, press him to you, stroke him on the head. This will definitely help him to give up daytime attachments as painlessly as possible.

Step 6

Try replacing lunchtime breastfeeding with a walk if other distractions don't work. As soon as the baby eats, dress him up and go for a walk with him in the stroller. You can substitute motion sickness for a walk if the child is young, but this method can get quite tedious for you.

Step 7

Pay more attention to your baby when you roll up lunch feeds. Entertain him with interesting games, often walk in the fresh air. This will allow both of you to get through this step as easily as possible.
