Families with a second child or subsequent children have the right to formalize and receive maternity capital. The government adopted such a law due to the demographic crisis in Russia that began in the 90s of the 20th century. This measure is aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country and improving the demographic situation.

Step 1
The federal law on maternity capital was adopted on December 29, 2006 under number 256 "On additional measures of state support for families with children." And already on January 1 of the next year, the document came into force. Families where the second or third child and subsequent children were born can receive maternity capital, if this right has not been formalized earlier. The parents who have adopted or adopted children also receive the money.
Step 2
The law on maternity capital is valid until December 31, 2016. But the parliament has already discussed the issue of extending the program and proposed continuing to provide assistance to families until 2025. After all, such additional measures, which are aimed at improving the health of the nation and increasing the birth rate, have a good effect. The certificate for Russian families has become an effective support, with its help projects to improve living conditions, future retirement and the education of children are implemented. Also in the meeting, it was said about planning to edit some areas of matcapital. It will be possible to spend the funds on capital repairs of housing or on opening your own business.
Step 3
Each region of the Russian Federation has additional measures to help and support families. The so-called "regional or regional maternity capital" is assigned at the birth of a third child or subsequent children in the family. Funding comes from the regional budget. This capital is aimed at stimulating large families and providing them with social support.
Step 4
In 2007, the amount of maternity capital was 250,000 rubles. In 2014, the size increased to 429,408 rubles. The next year is predicted the amount of 450,878 rubles. You should be aware that the maternity payment is not subject to any taxes, there is no need to replace the certificate every year due to a change in the amount.
Step 5
To register maternity capital, you should apply personally to the Pension Fund at the place of registration or to a multifunctional center that provides municipal and state services. You can also send an application and copies of the necessary documents, certified by a notary, by registered mail by mail. Soon it will be possible to send an application for a certificate via the Internet - through a specialized portal of public services.
Step 6
Maternity capital is provided to the family, parents, and not to a specific child, at whose birth it became possible to obtain a document. The certificate can only be obtained once.