Sleepy men definitely don't have much affection for their other halves in the morning. The fact is that girls are usually much more sensitive than young people about ringing the alarm clock. If almost every third man simply ignores his ringing, then most of the girls will certainly go to get ready for work. What if every morning your boyfriend steadfastly goes through all the attempts to wake him up in time?

In order to get the lazy person out of bed in time, you will need an alarm clock, a cup of freshly made coffee, and a good mood. After all, you will be the first person your loved one sees in the morning
Step 1
First, prepare a delicious breakfast and invite your lover to the table. If the food exudes a wonderful aroma, then the man is unlikely to refuse it. The main thing is not to insist and do not make a scandal if he still refused.
Step 2
If a young man is not used to having breakfast, then a cup of coffee freshly made with your hands, brought directly to bed, will help wake him up. Here the guy will not get away. He is unlikely to be able to fall asleep with hot coffee in his hands. However, there is a catch in this method. It is better to warn about morning coffee in advance, otherwise in the morning you can get an inadequate reaction.
Step 3
If all of the above methods do not help, then just try to lie down next to your beloved and tell him what a wonderful day awaits him. Make your voice as languid as possible and tell the sleepyhead that a lot of pleasant things await him during the day.