By the time the child enters school, the so-called voluntary attention should be formed. That is, he must learn to concentrate his attention not only on what has a bright color. If a child's attention is poorly developed, then when studying at school, he may have difficulties, despite his high intelligence. It is in the power of parents to play simple games with their preschool child in order to stimulate the development of the child's attention.

You can develop the child's attention in outdoor fun games. First of all, the essence of such games boils down to the fact that the child must control his actions: stop in time and not move, for example.
It is better to play not together with a child, but on a playground with a team of children. The child in the group will be, firstly, more interesting; secondly, in a team, more concentration is required to follow the instructions for the game than when the baby is playing alone with you.
The game "Bear and hunters"
Roles in the game: one bear, hunters. At first, the role of a bear is best played by an adult. The bear stands aside. At this time, children-lumberjacks are cutting down the forest, sawing firewood. Children can make noise, run, move as they please, until the bear goes hunting. As soon as the bear begins to approach, the hunters must freeze and not move so that he does not eat them. You can play elimination: whoever moved - he temporarily leaves the game. When the bear leaves, the lumberjacks continue their work again.
A bear can report its approach, or it can do it suddenly. For younger children (3-4 years old), it is better for the bear to comment on its actions. But children 5-6 years old can already watch the bear and run at the same time.
Game "The sea is worried once …"
This game is familiar to many parents from their own childhood. An adult is the leader of the game. If the guys themselves remember what to say, then they can play on their own. The presenter says the text: "the sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three." With these words, children depict waves in the sea. Then the words are pronounced: "sea figure freeze." At this moment, each child should freeze, depicting some kind of marine life. Then each child explains who or what he was portraying.
By analogy with "the sea is agitated", you can come up with many games not only to develop the child's attention, but also to remember some material about nature. For example, you can give the instruction: "freeze the winter figure." In this case, children need to remember and depict something related to winter.
Game "Tea-tea, help out"
This game is a sophisticated version of the blooper game. There is also one presenter, whose task is to slap all the participants in the game. In the event that the presenter blurts out the child, he should freeze in place, spread his arms to the sides and say the phrase "tea, tea, help me out." Those who can run should revive him by slapping his palm. The presenter wins if he manages to slap everyone at the same time.
Magpie flew
The game can be played together or in a group, the number of people is not limited. The palm of the right hand of each competitor should be vertically in front of the palm of the neighbor on the right. And the palm of the left hand of each is located behind the palm of the neighbor on the left. Then the participants say the words of the counting room, clapping their right hand into the palm of the neighbor on the left for each word.
The counting is as follows: "A magpie flew, read the newspaper under the number …". The next player calls the number. Then the participants count up to this number. When it is necessary to name the hidden number, the participant's task is to slap the neighbor's palm. He, in turn, must have time to remove his hand before that.
There is also a complicated version of this game that will appeal not only to preschoolers, but also to adolescents and even adults. Gradually, words are removed from the counting room. That is, the first player says "flew" and slaps his neighbor. He slaps the next one without saying "forty" aloud. The third player claps with the word "read" and so on. During the counting, the numbers are also pronounced every other time.
Then the number of spoken words can be reduced until the moment when there is only "flew" and the number of the newspaper.
Paired pictures
This game will entertain you and your child at home. You can purchase a ready-made version of the game or make it yourself. To do this, you need cards with paired drawings. The number of pairs can be any: the more a person plays and the older the participants, the more pairs can be used. For a kid 3-4 years old, 7-9 pairs of pictures will be enough.
Pictures should be made on durable cardboard so that the picture does not show through to the back side. Before the start of the game, the cards are shuffled and laid out on the table backside up. If you took 9 pairs of pictures, then lay out a square with a side of 9 cards.
Each player reveals only two pictures in one move. If there is the same pattern, then he takes them for himself. If the drawing on the cards is different, then he turns them over. If a participant takes a couple of pictures for himself, he gets an additional move and has the right to open two more cards. The task of the other participants: to carefully monitor and remember which pictures are located where. The one who has more cards at the end of the game wins.