Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of ways to shock a girl, but hardly a few of them are suitable for a decent person. Some of them are dangerous not only for your relationship, but also for the physical and mental health of the girl. But there are also decent methods for not only surprising your lady, but also showing yourself from an unexpected side, especially if you have known each other for a long time.

Step 1
Prepare to surprise your girlfriend. Talk to trusted friends about this as you may need their help. Do not shop in the department of cool gifts: jokes with them can cause not only shock, but also disgust in the girl and to you and to your sense of humor.
Step 2
One of the most romantic ways (especially if the girl lives on the 10th floor of an apartment building) is as follows: knock on her window from the street side and stretch out a gorgeous bouquet. This may require the help of friends who, for example, are involved in industrial mountaineering, and an agreement with the owner or security guard of a residential building.
Step 3
On one of the first dates, invite her to your home, drive around the neighborhood for a long time, use several types of transport and bring her to the door of your apartment with the words: “I completely forgot. I left the keys at work. " The modern whirlwind of life can make you forget not about such trifles, so that the girl, firstly, will believe you, and, secondly, during the trip you will have a lot of opportunities to get to know each other better. If the girl does not leave you, "find" the keys somewhere halfway to work.
Step 4
Put the phrase “I love you” on the asphalt under her windows on a windless day with candles on the asphalt and call her with a proposal to look out the window.
Step 5
If she lives alone, try to come to her at night without warning, but only if you meet constantly and say that you cannot sleep without her.
Step 6
Imagine yourself as an artist, bring (or borrow from friends) an easel, palette, tubes of paint and offer to paint her portrait. For an hour (or as long as you and the girl have enough patience) with a thoughtful expression on your face, pretend that you are creating a masterpiece. After finishing "work", when she asks to look at the result of your efforts, unfold the easel, which will be depicted with a smiley face and the inscription: "I love you." Alternatively, you can use an oversized photo of you or her with a similar caption.
Step 7
If you often go to the theater with a girl, but are not an avid theater-goer, but only want to please her, delicately hint about it. Buy two tickets for one evening, but to different theaters or at least to seats located at opposite ends of the hall and "discover" it only at the last moment. If the girl is really interested in you, and not in the play, then she, complaining about your absent-mindedness, may refuse to visit the theater. If not, don't jump to conclusions. In the end, everyone should have their own hobbies.
Step 8
In a kind way, you can surprise and amuse an unfamiliar girl, if you are not afraid that you will be misunderstood. Approach the girl you like and say loudly: “The way you are I have been looking for all my life. Marry me!"