Piastres, doubloons and thalers, chests full of gems and gold bars, and only you know where they are all hidden. Do not rely on memory, draw a detailed plan, and hide the map from prying eyes, so that later someone will find it (your children or friends who are not averse to fooling around and playing pirates) and guessing the meaning of secret symbols for a long, long time.

It is necessary
- - Parchment paper;
- - Ink or ink;
- - Brush or real feather;
- - Lighter or matches.
Step 1
Take a piece of parchment of the correct size and use a suitable tool (brush or pen) to plan the area where your treasure is buried. If the treasures are imaginary, you can also portray a fictional island, as writers do. Don't forget to draw a wind rose and a couple of skeletons or skulls. Mark the place of the treasure with a red cross.
Step 2
If you want to complicate the task, and the treasure is the most real, then you should not directly indicate where the treasure is hidden. Come up with a ramified system of riddles, the correct answers to which will lead the seeker to the goal, and the wrong ones will lead him into the dead swamp.
Step 3
You can use a summer cottage or even a city apartment as a real platform for finding treasures. Hang mysterious symbols with tips on the trees and bushes (on the walls in the apartment), and depict their reduced copies on the map. Then the owners of the card will have to look for clues, referring to the plan, and in the end they will find out where you hid your goods.
Step 4
For younger children, offer a simpler option, for example, draw a crossword puzzle on one side of the card. And on the map itself, indicate several names - trees, mountains, holes, rivers, etc. (one of these names should be a keyword in the crossword puzzle). As soon as the children solve the crossword puzzle, they will understand where the box of chocolates is.
Step 5
For the painting to be complete, wait for the painting to dry. Grip the parchment firmly in your fist. Rub and remember the card to give it a vintage look. Can be sprinkled and rubbed with earth. Tear off the parchment around the edges, then light (from the very edge) and extinguish quickly.