A child from an orphanage can be taken home to a so-called foster family. Such a family is a substitute for the time until adoptive parents are found for the baby, biological parents are restored to their rights, or they are returned to the orphanage. The task of foster parents is to create comfortable living conditions for a new family member and soften all unpleasant memories of a past life.

It is necessary
- - certificate from the place of work about income;
- - certificate of ownership;
- - a copy of the personal financial account;
- - medical certificate of the established form;
- - a copy of the marriage certificate (for married couples).
Step 1
Adult citizens of Russia can become adoptive parents, regardless of gender and marital status. One of the parents can also take a child into the family. But guardianship can take into account how many children there are already in such a family.
Step 2
As soon as you collect all the necessary documents and certificates, you need to contact your local guardianship and trusteeship authorities. If everything is in order with your documents, your application will be accepted for consideration.
Step 3
In the near future, guardianship officials will conduct an examination of your living conditions. Your house or apartment must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, have all the amenities (electricity, water, sewage). You should not have any arrears in payment of utility bills. A separate sleeping and working place should be allocated for the child, ideally - his own room. After an examination within 20 days, the guardianship must issue an opinion - whether or not you can become foster parents.
Step 4
If you receive a positive response from care, you can look for a child. To do this, you can use federal or regional databases of children left without parental care. The baby must have the status that he can be taken into a foster family.
Step 5
For the first acquaintance with the child, you must apply to the guardianship for permission to visit an orphanage. Do not take too long to find a new family member, otherwise you will have to re-collect some certificates that have a limited validity period.
Step 6
In a foster family you can age. If the baby is over 10 years old, he can be transferred to a foster family only with his consent. A contract is concluded between the guardianship and the foster parents, according to which the foster parents are empowered with the powers of the child's guardians. You have the right to educate him, monitor his physical development, state of health, make decisions regarding the provision of medical and other assistance, give him education and additional knowledge and skills.
Step 7
A child in a foster family has the right to visit the guardianship authorities and check the proper maintenance and upbringing. In any difficult and critical situations, they can withdraw it from you. You yourself can terminate the contract by returning the child to a social institution. The pupil's biological parents and other relatives have the right to visit. If the biological mom or dad regains parental rights, then the child will be handed over to them again.
Step 8
You will be paid wages for parenting, plus a monthly child support allowance