Starting kindergarten is an important and difficult moment for any child. A lot is changing in a baby's life. Many new and unfamiliar people appear in his life, with whom he is forced to spend a lot of time every day, regardless of his own desire.

For children in foster families, this moment is many times more difficult. He is accompanied by many fears. The thing is that for toddlers from children's homes, kindergarten often evokes not the most pleasant associations in their memory. After all, quite recently the child found a family. And it is quite possible that he has not yet had time to fully get used to his new status. And in order for a feeling of trust in new parents to appear, sometimes it takes more than one year.
And now such a child is again taken to a state institution. Naturally, this will not only not make him happy, but most likely even a child will violently oppose it. And this is not surprising at all.
But often the parents have no other choice. First, they need to go to work in order to earn money and provide a decent standard of living for themselves and their child. Secondly, foster children often have problems that must be solved by a specialist - a speech therapist or a psychologist. And in this case, a visit to a specialized kindergarten is the most optimal way out for parents.
But parents should be very responsible in preparing such children for kindergarten and the period of adaptation. And most likely you will have to arm yourself with incredible patience and all the diplomatic abilities that you have.
To begin with, it is worth persuading the child to just go to the kindergarten. It is worth telling in detail why you need to go there and what the guys do there. Moreover, parents should not explain the reasons for going to kindergarten from their point of view. That is, the reason “so that the mother could go to work” is completely incompetent from the point of view of the child. It is worth emphasizing that it is here that you can play those games in which you need a company of peers, that here you can learn a lot and make friends.
Then you need to introduce the child to his future caregiver. Let him talk to him, get used to it a little. And only after that you can try to leave the child in the kindergarten. It should be a short time at first. It can be gradually increased. Most importantly, you should never be late for your child. Otherwise, the fear of being abandoned and forgotten may wake up again.