Giving up sex has long been known to the world as a means of increasing personal effectiveness. For example, one of the important postulates of yoga is precisely the complete renunciation of sex, or extreme moderation, when it comes exclusively to procreation. The absolute exclusion of sex and other forms of loss of male semen by the body has given the world many geniuses. And although in modern society the topic of abstinence from sex is extremely unpopular, it is still worth practicing it at least sometimes.

Many people know the holiday of Catholic St. Valentine, who, under the threat of death, nevertheless married his beloved. But few people know that the ancient priest united the Roman legionaries by marriage, who until a certain age were strictly forbidden to start a family. And this prohibition was in effect only because married soldiers lost their strength and endurance when having sex with their wives. The married legionnaire was a man incapable of long campaigns, deprived of the necessary level of aggression and masculinity.
Abstinence from sex and male passionarity
Any martial arts coach will confirm that if his ward has not given up sex at least a couple of weeks before the fight, then his failure in the ring is guaranteed. In this case, abstinence is an active guarantee of victory. The harmful aspect of sex, as well as the loss of semen during masturbation, is that a man begins to lose his gender qualities under the influence of a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Abstinence is beneficial because true masculine qualities begin to develop from a high amount of testosterone in the body. A man becomes more responsible, physically and spiritually strong, more aggressive when achieving what he wants, and purposefulness turns into a norm of life. Abstinence is good for everyone. Studying the people around you, it can be noted that men leading a sexually modest lifestyle are more successful, intelligent and wealthy. Those who spend themselves in numerous sexual relationships are rarely rich and successful, but more often than not they are downright stupid and primitive.
In the practice of combat associations, there were cases when the agents of one of the fighters, a couple of months before the fight, sent bribed women to seduce the enemy shortly before the fight. As a result, he lost in the first rounds.
The Effect of Sexual Abstinence on the Properties of the Mind
Semen is mostly composed of lecithin, which is the main building block of the brain. With frequent sex or masturbation, the body needs an emergency restoration of the sperm level, and the brain suffers from this. Memory, attention and reaction deteriorate. As a result, the man begins to simply become dull. Do not forget that during ejaculation there is also a loss of vital energy, which in yoga is known as prana. Simply put, with each ejaculation, a man loses part of his soul.
Don Juan advised Castaneda to be as careful as possible with sex, as this leads to a complete loss of magical abilities. And in the 21st century, people also know that in order to unveil the gift, one must practice total abstinence.
The refusal of sex itself should not be an effort of will, even with the full understanding that it is practically harmful. The natural way to abstinence is the sublimation of sexual energy, when refusal from sex will not be perceived as painful, and your talents and achievements will only accumulate from the correct distribution of energy.
The effect of abstinence on the female essence
The best examples of love lyrics, when through printed lines you can look into a woman's soul and see there an extraordinary light, wise and creative beginning, were written just at the moments of abstinence. Undoubtedly, the original feminine qualities are more fully revealed than ever during periods of sublimation of sexual energy. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough just to read the letters of the wives of the Decembrists, or the message of the officers' wives to their loved ones on the fronts of all wars. Abstinence in conjunction with the competent use of the released energy will help a woman to reveal herself as a person. But a woman can easily use abstinence to achieve goals in the modern world. So, many women choose temporary loneliness for the sake of the strategic goal of self-realization, and practice shows that such a technique has indispensable success.