If there is no constant work on the relationship, they begin to fade. And, if nothing is done, the joy of living together will not be at all. Or there will be some minor flashes of light in the gray everyday life.
Start with yourself to change the world
The phrase is pretty hackneyed, isn't it. However, it wouldn't have been as popular if it hadn't worked. The first thing you need to understand is that a partner is not a means to happiness. Happiness is within you. And until this lesson is learned, it is useless to move on.
Happiness should be within you and not depend on having a partner at all. And if, before the start of the relationship, you did not learn to control your emotions, then it's time to start working in this direction. Remember that life is constant work on yourself. Everything else is existence. You can whine about your excess weight for a long time and persistently, for example, but until you start to control yourself, nothing will change. It is necessary to reconsider nutrition, physical activity, or solve the problem with hormones.
It's the same in relationships. Look at yourself as if from the outside. Do you like yourself? Do you always treat your partner correctly, do everything that is necessary, but at the same time do not burden yourself with too much? Do not make excuses that you are shouting obscenities every day just because you have been asked to close the closet door a million times, but have not been heard.
Happiness is unhappiness
Understand yourself. What exactly makes you happy, what makes you unhappy. If you think that doubling your salary would certainly add to your happiness, make a plan to achieve your goal. Think about what kind of activity can bring you an increase in profits. To achieve something, you need to do. If you want to lose weight, again, you need a clear plan, a step-by-step strategy. As you progress towards your goal, the steps can be adjusted. The main thing is not to throw, and not to jump from one to another.
If you are unhappy in yourself, you cannot make anyone happy. Because a harmonious relationship is to give to each other. What can you give besides negative? There is no positive energy at all.
If you are already in a relationship, you can try to find a way out of even the most difficult situation, when it seems that everything has already been destroyed, there is no more love.
In fact, love is not butterflies in the stomach, but the hard work of two people in order to adapt to each other and become one.
If you are in harmony with yourself and with the world around you, you are ready to give your loved one a piece of happiness, to make you happy. If you are deeply unhappy and looking for a relationship, it will end in painful attachment.
A new relationship can make a person happy for a short while, while the period of courtship with butterflies lasts, and then, when you have to make some decisions, when the candy-bouquet period ends, everything will fall into place. Changing a partner will solve the problem again for a short time.
Happy on my own
The only way to build yourself up in a relationship is to stop thinking that you are unhappy with your partner. Or that only with him you can be happy. Take responsibility for your life in your own hands. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and live with illusions. Everything that happens to you is 90% dependent on you, and 10% on the circumstances, which are 90% dependent on you. Become an adult. After all, only adults can have a relationship.
If you've made the decision to reinvent yourself in a relationship, start now. Not from Monday or New Years. By following these simple tips, step by step you will become happy yourself, and share this state with your partner.
- Everything that happens to you now is the fruit of your actions. Accept this and take responsibility for what is happening.
- Stop complaining and whining. This will not change the situation, but a huge amount of negative energy will appear, which will destroy not only you, but also your relationship.
- Take care of your appearance and health.
- Stop messing around, condemning and gossip.
- Men, take care of making money, and women at home. Get organized and throw away any unnecessary items.
- Become happy right here and now. And not later, when the salary doubles and the press will be cubes.
- Think about the fact that everyone wants to connect with successful, positive people. Do you like the eternally dissatisfied whiners who criticize everyone? Not? So don't be like that.
If you see that you have a love dependence on your partner, you dissolve in the object of love, live it, breathe it, without it the white light is not nice, it's time to stop it and take care of yourself. You most likely have a hobby that you enjoy. Start learning something new. Go in for sports and start developing your femininity, or pumping masculine qualities.
But the most important thing you need to achieve is self-control, managing emotions, and releasing fears. Solitude, yoga and self-knowledge will help in this. Learn to live consciously, and then your partner will be comfortable with you. Both of you will be happy.