The life of a modern person is filled with negativity. This is due to natural disasters, traffic accidents, negative communication, stress at work. In addition, prices are constantly growing, but the salaries of citizens, as a rule, do not change. How can you overcome nervousness and irritation?

It would seem that it is useless to fight this. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to protect yourself from negative influences.
Specialists studying bioenergetics advise to devote as much time as possible to walks in the fresh air, to walk to the water. It's great when there is access to a river or lake nearby. Everyone knows that if you stand by the water long enough and look at it, it will put your nerves in order, and your thoughts will become bright.
When a person accumulates a lot of negative energy, it will be useful for him to try the methods that are used in the countries of the East to relieve stress. Such techniques remove the already accumulated stress and prevent the emergence of new stress.
In order to calm down, you can light candles, absolutely any. You can use aromatic ones, or you can use church ones. The whole essence lies in the fire, it is he who is able to calm and bring positive emotions.
The point of this method is to watch the fire burn. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce all the accumulated negative to yourself. As a rule, all thoughts thought out at this moment should leave the head and melt in the fire.
When all the negativity has evaporated, you can think about something good or relax with a glass of pleasant wine.
In addition, if there was some unpleasant quarrel in the apartment, then you can also clean the aura of this room with the help of an ordinary candle. If a person knows any prayer, then he can use it, this will even better help in clearing the negative and improve the condition of the person himself.
So, if unpleasant guests came into the apartment or some kind of quarrel occurred, then it will be enough to walk with a candle around the room and read some prayer. The effectiveness of this method has been proven for centuries, so in any case it will not be superfluous. The atmosphere in the apartment should improve, as well as the mood of its owner.
As often as possible, you can drive outside the city, make a fire and watch the fire burn. Such a procedure will get rid of the accumulated negativity and improve well-being. Most often, this method is used by men, sometimes even on an unconscious level.
Many noted that when a man cooks kebabs over a fire or kindles it, his mood improves, and all negative thoughts disappear.