Each parent chooses the method of punishing the child that he considers correct. But no one will argue that most often the punishment of a child for pranks is a loud slap on the priest. We will take this topic as the basis of our today's post.

Have you ever wondered at least once whether it is worth hitting a child?
Usually, parents oppose any kind of violence against children, but, unfortunately, only in words. You can often see how, on the playground in the yard, another baby receives a hefty slap on the butt from an angry mom. Why is this happening? Why do parents think that it is possible and necessary to beat children?
In fact, they don't think so. There are simply moments when a child begins to show his character, but words cannot calm him down. This is where breakdowns occur. In just a few minutes, the parents realize that they did the wrong thing, that they shouldn't have hit the child in the butt. Some even feel ashamed. In my thoughts I hear more promises never to beat the child again. But, again, only in thoughts. Another childish prank, one way or another, ends with a traditional slap on the butt or, much worse, with a belt.
Let's not talk about whether it is okay to hit children with a belt. I consider this a rhetorical question. Showing your strength to the weak and defenseless is not the best way to assert yourself. Ask yourself one question - are you sure you can control yourself and not get lost on a crumb? In most cases, the answer will be no.
Indeed, it is very difficult to cope with your emotions when you try with all your might to explain something to another person, but he does not hear you and does not understand. But you shouldn't use force. This is not an option. Where is the exit?

Let's do this - you no longer ask yourself questions about whether to beat children. The answer is negative and is not subject to appeal. It is forbidden! Never!
I propose to present one picture. Your baby starts to misbehave. You try to explain to him that it is not good to do this, but he does not understand you, he does it in his own way. When your nerves are at their limit, stop for a couple of seconds, do not rush to beat the child. Close your eyes, inhale, open your eyes, exhale. Look at the little man standing in front of you. Now imagine that you are this little defenseless child. Before you is the most dear and beloved person for you, you have no one closer and dearer. He looks at you with anger and irritation, he wants to hit you, hurt you. You cannot protect yourself. No one can protect you because you have no one to do it. How do you feel at this moment? Resentment? Disappointment? Bitterness? What? (Think about it at your leisure.) Now go back to reality. Look closely into your child's tear-stained eyes. Do you still feel like hitting him?

In the end, even scientists have confirmed that a baby who was beaten in the butt as a child grows up more violent and angry than a child who grew up in a calm and friendly environment. Think about how you want to see your child in 20-30 years?
If you want to be a friend to your little one, don't hit him. You are an adult! Can't you find a peaceful way to calm the little rascal? Every time you want to hit the child on the bottom, do as we did just above. Always put yourself in the child's shoes! This will help you avoid many conflicts. Plus - I guarantee that after reading this article and following the recommendations given here, 90% of parents will finally give themselves an answer to the question - is it possible to beat children and should it be done?