During pregnancy, expectant mothers are concerned about the question of how to get to the coveted maternity hospital if it is located on the other side of the city. This is possible, you just need to take care of this in advance: undergo an examination, get tested, get the necessary documents in the antenatal clinic and agree with a doctor in advance.

It is necessary
Exchange card, insurance policy (contract), generic certificate, passport
Step 1
Get registered in the antenatal clinic on time. After monitoring the course of pregnancy and passing all the tests, you will be given an exchange card (usually at the 30th week of pregnancy).
Step 2
Obtain a birth certificate from your obstetrician / gynecologist. This is a document according to which you can get the necessary assistance in a maternity hospital for free (services are paid by the state).
Step 3
Select in advance the place where you would like to give birth. According to the law of the Russian Federation, no maternity hospital has the right to deny you services if you have an exchange card. Choose a maternity hospital with a good reputation: on the advice of friends, relatives, and reviews of other people.
Step 4
Before giving birth, go to the maternity hospital and arrange with a doctor to whom you would entrust this process. He will tell you how to apply for this medical institution. Usually, your doctor recommends lying down a few days (a week) before the proposed due date and monitors your condition.
Step 5
If the hospital told you that you will be accepted with contractions, then ask to make a note in the exchange card, as there are cases of refusal at the right time. And when an ambulance arrives, ask to be taken to this institution.
Step 6
If you decide to give birth on a paid basis, then sign a contract with a medical institution in advance. Often such a contract includes a delivery service with contractions.