How To Help A Fallen Child

How To Help A Fallen Child
How To Help A Fallen Child

Table of contents:


Even the most ideal and attentive parent sometimes cannot keep track of the prowling and exploring baby everywhere. It is important to know in advance about the measures to be taken if the child falls or is bumped.

How to help a fallen child
How to help a fallen child

It is necessary

First aid kit, hydrogen peroxide, ice, telephone


Step 1

Do not panic. The fall of an infant toddler is the worst nightmare of parents. According to statistics, in 80% of cases it turns into reality. The most common injury is head injury, it is also the most dangerous, because babies have not yet fully formed the bones of the skull, designed to protect the brain tissue from injury. In addition, the head in infants makes up a much larger part of the body than in an adult, and therefore outweighs. In the event of a fall, the baby is also unprotected because the reflexes, with the help of which he could somehow protect himself from injury, have not yet been developed. But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. According to all the same statistics, most of the fallen children get off with a slight fright, a little less - with minor injuries, and the smallest part are those who have received a head injury. In any case, the most important thing is to stay calm, panic will not help your child in any way. It is worth postponing the showdown about which of the parents is to blame for the fall of the baby. Remember: it is necessary to do everything as quickly as possible to help the fallen child.

Step 2

Call an ambulance. There are situations in which you should not think for a long time and hesitate, because there may not be time for this. This applies to babies in the first months of life who fell from a sufficient height (40 cm or more), as well as children aged six months to a year, if they fell from 50-60 cm in height. In any of these cases, you must immediately call an ambulance, especially if there is bleeding, the baby hit the head or back. It will never be superfluous, but you will be calm for your child. There are a number of signs, after the appearance of which it is necessary to call an ambulance: loss of consciousness, even short-term, vomiting, convulsions, a child's tantrum, pale skin, behavior uncharacteristic for a baby. All this indicates the presence of a serious injury, in this case, hospitalization and medical examination are needed. In case of vomiting before the arrival of doctors, lay the child and turn his head on its side.

Step 3

If none of the above came to light and you did not call the ambulance, be sure to observe the child and his condition after the fall. Severe trauma may not immediately manifest itself, so do not stop monitoring for at least 24 hours after the incident. In the first 10 minutes, try to calm and distract the child as much as possible: play with him or lie down. If light abrasions appear on the body, treat them with hydrogen peroxide, and apply ice or a cold towel to the site of the injury. If the bleeding does not stop for a long time, go to the hospital. Consult a doctor if the child has shortness of breath or is overwhelmed by drowsiness unusual for him at this time. The main thing that is required from parents is attentiveness and quick reaction in case, nevertheless, it was not possible to keep track.
