It is very pleasant to hear praise and compliments addressed to you. But often people cannot formulate a decent answer, they get embarrassed and blush. Of course, most often a person is praised by relatives and friends, their kind and sincere words are taken for granted. Young inexperienced people are often baffled by compliments from girls.

Step 1
Do not look for a "double bottom" of praise, take the kind words that the girl told you as the truth. Don't convince the other person that you don't deserve compliments. Indeed, in this case, there is a danger of assuring the young lady that you are right! Build your self-esteem so you don't feel embarrassed when you hear praise.
Step 2
The response to praise should be simple and short. You don't need long and detailed stories about how you regularly go to workouts and what exercises you do there in order to achieve the amount of muscle that the girl liked. If you praised your hairstyle, do not explain which hairdresser you went to, just say that you also like it and it is very good that you have the same taste.
Step 3
Thank the girl for her kind words and her attention to your person. Rejoice from the bottom of your heart, because usually people give compliments to please a nice person. Just do not remain indifferent and indifferent, with such a reaction you can offend the girl.
Step 4
If it seemed to you that the praise was a little stretched and insincere, think about why these words were said, for what purpose. Maybe the girl is just embarrassed herself and could not pronounce the prepared phrase with feeling. You do not need to immediately think about the bad, it is better to cheer up the young lady with a compliment, start a casual conversation to relieve tension.
Step 5
To show the girl that you like her words, smile and look the other person in the eyes. Note her positive qualities: “Katya, how good it is that at least someone notices my efforts to look better! I have long wanted to tell you that you are a cool kind girl, but I was embarrassed to talk about it!"
Step 6
A good joke will always come to your aid in response to a compliment: "I'm trying to adopt your style, but I can't find a dress!" Lightly touch the girl's hand or hug her warmly, in this case even words will not be needed.