An original and subtle compliment is art. Some men, trying to attract the attention of a lady, sometimes give beautiful and memorable phrases. To adequately accept such a compliment, a woman needs to have sensitivity and tact.

Step 1
Remember that a compliment is one way to establish a relationship. Therefore, answer it either extremely politely and concisely, which will exclude further communication with a man, or be prepared to utter an equally refined phrase, endearing the interlocutor.
Step 2
Accepting words of admiration, take a break from all your affairs and smile. A subtle male compliment deserves your attention anyway. Unfortunately, very few of the fair sex know how to accept such signs of admiration. If a person compliments you, it means that his intentions are to celebrate your charm and beauty, claiming at least a smile in return. Say a short thank you, then look away. This will make it clear to the man that you have accepted his admiration, but are not ready for further communication.
Step 3
If you prefer to continue communicating with the man who gave you a compliment, let him know how pleased you are with his attention and that you are not at all opposed to continuing the communication. Do not shy away from further conversation or reschedule it to a later time.
Step 4
If your loved one, for example, noted your hairstyle, it means that he sees a pleasant change in your appearance. You should not brush it off and respond to praise: “Oh, nonsense!”, Referring to haste. Pause for one second, look at him mysteriously and say, for example, the following: “I hope this is a reason for a wonderful evening!”. So you will leave him fertile ground for fantasy, and he will think exclusively about you.
Step 5
If you're being showered with compliments on the street, keep a low profile, but don't show displeasure. It is enough just to smile back as a sign that you have heard and accepted admiring speeches. Try to be humble when doing this. Don't be arrogant or arrogant, even if you feel uncomfortable with prying eyes.