Confident girls accept compliments from young people with dignity. But modest shy people in response to a guy's praise can only look down with embarrassment, it is difficult for them to immediately find suitable words of gratitude. Such a reaction can also embarrass the young man who made a compliment, so girls need to learn to adequately get out of different situations, so that she and her interlocutor feel free and comfortable.

Step 1
If your guy compliments your appearance or any inner qualities, be sure to thank him for the compliment. Don't start giving up and denying your merits, so you can convince the fan that he is wrong! Accept the words of praise confidently and calmly, as if you only hear it from others.
Step 2
It's always nice to receive compliments, especially for girls who flourish even more from good, kind words. But you need to be able to distinguish sincere praise from flattery. Usually, by flattering words, a person tries to get something from you. Such lies and hypocrisy in relationships are unacceptable, so try to stop any attempts to influence you with insincere praise.
Step 3
A young man who does not expect anything in return for his compliment is worthy of kind words and your smile. Note his observation and good taste if he sees your new accessory or hair color. It is worth taking a closer look at the guy, because it turns out that your tastes coincide!
Step 4
In response, mention that you also like his dress or hairstyle. If the young man is pleasant to you, you can flirt with him and establish a closer relationship in this way.
Step 5
Together with a compliment, you can receive a bouquet or a gift. Accept the presentations with sincere gratitude and say that you appreciated the attention and kind words of the donor. Praise the admirer's gallantry and tact, his upbringing and politeness. This reaction of yours will make the guy want to compliment you all the time.
Step 6
Compliments from friends are easy to accept, they can be answered with jokes and light, harmless jokes, because they will always understand you. If a guy from your company is your kind in new jeans, you can say that you have seen the same model and his size.