A compliment to a girl is a beautiful and romantic gesture of expressing your admiration for her in one aspect or another. The choice and presentation of compliments should be approached responsibly, as the outcome of your further relationship may depend on it.

Step 1
Try to pay attention to the girl's appearance more often. For example, if she changed her hairstyle, hair color, had a manicure, be sure to tell about it. Try to express short, but very precise compliments, for example, “What beautiful hair!”, “This color suits you,” etc. You can say the phrase in a humorous tone and with a smile on your face. If you are in a close relationship with a girl, you can add a suitable gesture to the words, for example, run your hand through her hair, take her hand, etc.
Step 2
One of the most important aspects that definitely require compliments from a man is the girl's appearance. Most likely, she will wear a new dress or suit, various jewelry and ornaments to meet you. You don't have to name every detail you like. You can, for example, casually touch her necklace or earrings, gently hug her waist, and only then compliment her on a particular item. The smell of her perfume also deserves special attention. You might even say it's your favorite scent.
Step 3
There are two things girls most often expect to hear compliments about: their eyes, their smile, and their hands. For example, we can say that today she smiles in a special way, and it is simply impossible to take your eyes off this smile. Also in advance, before meeting a girl, come up with an interesting compliment about her eyes, for example, say that they are your favorite color, or that you are drowning in her gaze and are ready to look into her eyes constantly. Be sure to note that the girl has soft and smooth skin by taking her hand.
Step 4
Come up with compliments depending on the situation, the girl's mood, etc. Perhaps lately she has done well in work, school or other endeavors. Do not go overboard to say this, praising her for her diligence. By doing this, you will definitely please her.
Step 5
Compliment not only on romantic dates and on special occasions, but also in everyday life. For example, note her ability to cook deliciously, keep her house clean, take care of animals, etc. Celebrate any significant detail. This will show your attentiveness towards the girl and your feelings for her.
Step 6
Avoid excessive flattery and try to tell only the truth. The girl can sense the falseness in your voice, and this will definitely cause negative feelings in her. It would not be very correct to say too many compliments. This will only demonstrate the inability to communicate with the opposite sex and create an unkind reputation for you.