Deviance is called a stable deviation from statistical norms, a certain way of action, thinking, behavior, which is not typical for the general population.

Deviant behavior - actions that do not correspond to moral and legal norms established officially or simply prevailing in a given social group. Violation of these rules will result in punishment, treatment, correction or isolation.
What are the types of deviant behavior
The main types of deviant behavior are alcoholism and drug addiction, crime, suicide, sexual deviations. In deviant behavior, the forms are interconnected - if there is a deviation from the norm in one of the social areas, the likelihood of behavior that does not meet the standards of behavior in the other increases significantly.
Deviant behavior can be:
1. Precriminogenic; these violations of moral norms and rules of conduct in society are not criminally punishable.
2. Criminogenic; this is the name of a criminal offense.
It is believed that under normal social conditions, deviant behavior is quite rare. But under conditions of social disorganization, with a weakening of regulatory control, the probability of manifestation of deviation increases many times over. Such situations include stress, abrupt changes in society, intergroup and intragroup conflicts.
Deviant behavior in society is often found in situations where, with common goals, the means to achieve them, socially approved, are not available to everyone. Deviant behavior can manifest itself in such people for whom socialization occurs in an environment where factors that predispose to such behavior are considered normal. Among them are immorality, violence, and so on.
Why deviant behavior negatively affects the human personality
The direct result of deviant behavior is maladjustment - it is difficult to adapt to a normal, full-fledged life in a society with such behavior. It usually results in isolation or punishment.
Deviant behavior can cause a negative assessment of others and leads to a significant deterioration in relations with family and loved ones. In this case, a person's personality is greatly damaged.
The reason for this behavior is most often a low level of intelligence, improper upbringing, and an unfavorable social environment. Upbringing mistakes can most likely lead to the formation of a personality with a tendency to deviation.
A significant role can be played by the experience of antisocial actions, condemned in society, which a person commits at a young age. This can be deliberate deception, misappropriation of someone else's property, and even truancy at school. In a child or adolescent, behavioral deviations are often associated with a protest in front of the seemingly unfair attitude of adults - this is how growing up and self-affirmation can manifest.