How To Conquer Him With A Look

How To Conquer Him With A Look
How To Conquer Him With A Look

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Do you often think about what we mean by "love at first sight"? Meanwhile, this expression is used quite often. So there is some kind of magic after all? Or is it not at all necessary to have witchcraft or love spell abilities in order to conquer a man at first sight, but it is enough to know a few female secrets?

How to conquer him with a look
How to conquer him with a look


Step 1

In order for a man you like to choose you, you need to look at him in a special way. And this "magic" of the gaze can be worked out with the help of simple exercises. Relax first. To do this, sit in a position that is comfortable for you in a comfortable place. Try to achieve complete immobility. Before that, eliminate all the annoying factors in the form of bright lights and an switched on phone that can ring at any minute.

Step 2

When you are ready for the first exercise, start it. Having found a suitable point in the room, concentrate your gaze on it and hold it for 30 seconds at first. Repeating the exercise, gradually increase the time of "holding" your gaze to 5-7 minutes. Thus, you will learn to focus on the subject of your adoration, and the man will immediately understand that he is interesting to you.

Step 3

The second exercise will teach you to look your interlocutor in the eyes without being embarrassed or looking away. To do this, take a mirror and look your reflection in the eyes, while trying so that the face does not express emotions, and the look is not superficial, but penetrates into the very depths. If it doesn't work right away, don't despair: focus your gaze on the bridge of the nose of your reflection. This will achieve a "depth effect". While doing this exercise, open your eyes wider several times, raising your eyebrows. This will teach you how to enlarge your field of vision and give your face the charm of mild surprise.

Step 4

Do not try to learn to look defiantly and too intently. This is more likely to cause rejection than sympathy. It is always frustrating to be the subject of research. The charm of the first sight lies in its unobtrusiveness and softness, but at the same time your man should feel your attention and even persistence in achieving the goal every minute.
