If a girl has any changes in her personal life, it always becomes noticeable: her eyes light up, her mood improves, she smiles more often. There are many known ways to determine that a girl has fallen in love or she really likes someone. It is not at all difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, it is enough just to look from the outside at its behavior.

Step 1
Pay attention to the most elementary changes in the behavior of a girl in love - awkward situations, frequent embarrassment, hitching. The more such reactions occur in the presence of the object of her adoration, the more this person affects her, just being around.
Step 2
Try to notice the tricks with which the girl tries to attract attention: often straightens her hair, pulls her hands to her face, rubs her forehead, and the like. The arm can also be raised, thus highlighting some of the features of the figure.
Step 3
Remember the assertion of psychologists that the arms closed on the chest are a sign of sympathy. Thus, the girl attracts the man into her arms. However, another opinion also reigns about this gesture: other scientists have proven that in this way a person closes himself off from the interlocutor and shows his negative towards him. In short, this gesture is not unambiguous, and it must be considered and evaluated in the context of a specific situation.
Step 4
Don't forget about the eyes, which are very important. Many people are convinced that by looking into a person's eyes, one can determine the traits of his character and thoughts. In addition, eyes are considered a sure indicator of emotion. If a girl often looks into the eyes of her interlocutor, it means that he aroused her special interest.
Step 5
Look at the girl's posture - she says a lot. If you like the young man, the girl will keep her back very straight. Rate how attentively the girl listens to everything that is said to her. If attention is on the face and, at the same time, the wrists are rubbed, clothes often get better, it means that the girl is very interested in her interlocutor.
Step 6
Remember that even the most ridiculous joke always causes laughter, which arises mainly from the adrenaline rush, and not from the witty of the speaker. This happens when there is a person next to the girl to whom she is breathing unevenly.