Life gets dull and boring if you don't have a best friend. With her, you can not only have fun, but also brighten up the moments of loneliness and sadness. She will give advice and help. But in order for you to have a best friend, you must first learn to be friends.

Step 1
To be a good friend, be considerate and caring. Chatting with a friend isn't just about guys and dresses. With her you can discuss problems, ask for advice in difficult times. You shouldn't be showing interest, but genuinely interested in her life. Find out her news, ask about her mood, visit during her illness, help in everything. Sometimes a friend becomes the closest person, so you should value friendship and not swear over trifles.
Step 2
They say that friends do not have days off, that is, you cannot be friends with a friend today, and tomorrow you will get tired of it. In this case, your friendship is not sincere. Spend time together, even if you are busy - set aside time during the week to meet and chat.
Step 3
Be close to your friend if she has a misfortune, support her if she feels bad. And also know how to sincerely rejoice at her success. Indeed, only his relatives are capable of sincere joy for another person. There is no place for envy in friendship, get rid of this harmful feeling.
Step 4
Learn to keep secrets. If a friend shares her innermost feelings, dreams and desires with you, and you tell strangers about it the next day, your friendship will soon come to an end. Shared secrets bring together, make friendship more meaningful, stronger. Don't lie to your friend, don't pretend, be yourself.
Step 5
Be able to praise your friend if she is good at showing herself in something. Praise of a loved one is very important, it strengthens a person's faith in their own strength. If you see that something is not working out for your friend, do not impose your advice on her, just express your point of view on the situation and add that you will always support her, no matter what she does.
Step 6
Learn to listen. It is difficult to be friends with a person who, during a conversation, does not allow the interlocutor to insert words. Be attentive and interested in mutual communication. Then intimate conversations with a friend will bring pleasure to both of you.