Ideas about decency, about how to behave, what is permissible in society or in the family circle, and what is not, changed very often. After all, they are closely related to the norms of morality, which also did not remain unchanged. In addition, among different peoples, these norms were and continue to be different. For example, the completely normal, natural behavior of an expansive southerner (Spaniard, Italian, Greek) can simply shock a resident of northern Europe. And vice versa.

Step 1
Here is a typical example: a person was invited to a party where a cheerful company will gather, and most of those present will be unfamiliar to him. How should he behave in order to maintain decency? When entering the room, politely greet everyone present. At the same time, the voice should not sound too loud (since this can be perceived as bad manners, swagger), nor too quiet.
Step 2
You should not immediately draw attention to yourself, much less interrupt other people by entering into a conversation. In general, you should be very careful about the choice of topic of conversation. It is considered indecent to talk about illness, tragedy, or other unpleasant things.
Step 3
At the same time, you should not talk about yourself for a long time, as well as discuss topics that are clearly incomprehensible or uninteresting to the majority of those present. It is unacceptable to argue, especially when switching to raised tones, even if the opponent's reasoning seems to you frankly stupid and ridiculous.
Step 4
Behave politely and delicately with all guests without exception. Try to show special tact towards women and the elderly.
Step 5
Suppose you have a very good voice and ear, or are excellent at playing musical instruments. Anyway, you shouldn't show your talents without an invitation. But if the owner or hostess asks you about it, then, as they say, God himself commanded. Show your art and enjoy a well-deserved round of applause.
Step 6
Of course, you should behave at the table adhering to generally accepted rules of etiquette. If a woman is sitting next to her, take care of her (for example, filling her glass, passing dishes, etc.).
Step 7
Even if you are an experienced smoker, remember that smoking in someone else's house is allowed only with the permission of the owners. And only in the place that they will take specially for this, for example, on the balcony. And it would be better to abstain from smoking altogether, because among those invited there may be people who feel unwell from the smell of tobacco.
Step 8
If for some reason you need to leave the house before other guests - briefly explain this to the owners, apologize for leaving early and thank you for a good time.