More than one generation has been puzzled by the question of whether friendship between a woman and a man is possible. Of course, it's easier to communicate with a man if neither you nor he has a second half. Then no one has any unnecessary questions and complaints. But there is often a situation where your friend already has a wife or girlfriend.

How to deal with a friend who has a wife
It's foolish to sacrifice communication just because your friend has a soul mate. Of course, only if you treat him exclusively as a friend. Otherwise, a woman should understand that she can only count on a short-term affair, a romance in which the official family will come first, not a mistress. And constant waiting, secret meetings and frequent loneliness are not at all what every woman aspires to.
Of course, a girl can hope that the man will eventually leave the family, but she should think about whether she is ready to destroy someone else's happiness.
If the woman's intentions are exceptionally friendly, all flirting and manifestations of sympathy should be excluded. Your communication must be conducted on an equal footing. You shouldn't call your friend late at night when he's out with his family. In addition, your communication should not interfere with family relationships. You should be respectful of your friend's wife, whether you like her or not. In a conflict situation, it is better to take a neutral position, remembering that the lovers will make up, and you can remain guilty. Never try to look better in the eyes of a friend than his wife. Do not allow yourself to make sharp statements about your friend's spouse. Do not criticize her behavior, appearance and habits. Never say what you would do if you were in her place. She is a wife, and you are a friend, so there is no need to compare you, otherwise you risk being left without communication with this married man.
What if your wife is jealous of your friend?
It is very unpleasant when you are presented with completely unfounded claims. Of course, you should not provoke your wife to be jealous of her husband towards you. If you are familiar with her, try to talk calmly and explain that you are not interested in someone else's husband.
If you have a soul mate, meet more often with families, make attempts to make them friends. If you are alone at the moment, do not take too much of your friend's time. Try to ask him for help less, reduce communication a little for a while.
If you sincerely wish your friend happiness, you will not want to destroy his family.
Although such jealous wives are not always found. Often a woman herself understands that each person has his own social circle and does not limit her husband in choosing friends. In such a situation, if your interests converge, you can get a faithful girlfriend for many years. Thus, by becoming a family friend, you will relieve yourself of unnecessary suspicion and expand your circle of friends.